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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Geting things done...well....maybe...

Things might actually start getting done around here now that I have a new resource for landscaping help , ideas and sources. I am playing in a talent show with another parent at my son's school and he is a landscape specialist. I have always needed help with repairing the old, galvanized steel sprinkler pipes in the front garden and through a bit of barter for my computer expertise they might finally get fixed. Yahoo!

This old system is a retrofitted lawn sprinkler setup with 9 heads spread equidistant across what once was a lawn. Since this is now planted in geometric beds of azaleas, junipers and rapheolepis, all the sprinklers have 12"-16" risers so the heads are above the level of the shrubs. This is certainly not an ideal situation, but it gets the job done. Unfortunately, as well as watering the beds, it also waters the paths, which quickly and continuously sprout up with grass and weeds.

As part of a solution to this problem, I am hoping my new friend can also connect me up with his sources for bulk deliveries of either good quality wood chips or decomposed granite so we can finally transition the pathways from pea gravel to either of these more acceptable paving choices. I am leaning towards the wood chips as they track less and provide a more rustic feel.

It is amazing how a little change and a little information can energize your work and get you back into the garden. Rosanne and I sat outside sipping coffee today, enjoying our afternoon alone as Joe is off at sleep-over with a friend until tomorrow morning. We never mind having our son around, but it is a pleasure to "turn off the radar" and not be thinking about where he is and what he is doing. We just sat around thinking of things to do with the garden and discussing our annual summer party, which we should start scheduling soon.

We are in cleanup mode at the moment, clearing leaves from all the paths and beds, as well as sweeping off the roofs. This is one downside to having so many trees in the garden. The leaves collect on the roof and make gutters almost an impossibility. It looks like, though, as a part of some roof repairs we are planning, we will be putting gutters all around the house. This, of course, brings up the concept of rain barrels or a cistern to store some of our scarce rain for those scorching LA summers. I will need to put more thought into that.


Blogger Kathy said...

Nice blog redesign. I find it easier on the eyes and less "busy" than the previous design, though I did like that botanical font. There was an article in This Old House several years ago about hooking up a house's gutter system to rain barrels or other collection containers. If your library has electronic research services (mine has Gale group) you might be able to find a copy of it there.

9:08 AM  

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