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Thursday, February 05, 2004

On with the work/fun...

The rain passed by in one day, but at least we got something. Now onto the continuing projects in the garden.

Once the leaves dry out again it will be time for another "blow" of the entire property. Due to the pea gravel which coats all the paths it is almost impossible to rake up the leaves. I purchased an electric leave blower soon after we bought the house and it seems to leave most of the gravel in place. Since the beginning, though, we have been looking for some replacement. Bagged mulches are much too expensive to do the entire garden and we can;t seem to find a local tree company with a good quality mulch. Most of the time the chipped and shredded material is mainly leaves and not woody material.

I am thinking of trying a different way of composting, since our makeshift bin doesn't seem to work very well. Recent reading has led me to trench composting. Whiel this is normally used in gardens with row crops, I think I have some areas where I could put it to use. Basically, this method involves simply digging a hole or trench, filling it with compost-able items, covering it up and forgetting about it. Sounds liek my type of composting (SMILE). I will let you know how it goes.

The ramshackle garden shed in the back needs to come down this year. It is quickly deteriorating into a soggy, wooden, vine-covered pile. My dream is to create something of a combination garden room, writer's room, storage unit and I have torn a few ideas out of my magazines for examples. It would be nice to have a quiet little retreat out in the garden, instead of just looking at it through my office windows. Demolition couldn't take very long, as it is nearly falling down already. Design and rebuilding will be the bigger project.

We have set our big summer party for June, this year, quite near our anniversary, so this means a big of work must be accomplished between now and then. I find that it is always good to have a few deadlines in the garden. Otherwise, projects just seem to linger on and on.


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