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Friday, February 27, 2004

A flurry of activity...

For whatever reason, possibly because the rain has stopped for the time being, I got a flurry of little things done about the garden and house today.

I have been meaning to refurbish the 2 small indoor fountains I built a couple of years ago. They needed a little cleaning and refreshing. Out came the bleach and the scrub brush. Bowls, stones and pumps were quickly cleaned up and reassembled. These fountains are so nice to have about the house, especially during the summer. They add a small amount of humidity to the ultra-dry air as well as make a pleasing sound.

Our large False Aralia, Dizgotheca kerchoveana, is leaning a bit to the Northeast after all the rain we had. It is a bit top heavy and the ground must be fairly saturated. I staked it up and tied it off with knee-high hose until the garden dries about a bit. I probably need to do a little pruning to reduce its height, as well.

I added some plant stake fertilizer to the 2 large potted plants. The geranium was a housewarming gift 8 years ago, so I always try to give it a little extra care. The rain has probably leeched out a lot of the nutrients from these pots, so I figure now is the time to add a little back to prepare for a summer growth spurt.

Our compost bin is made out of the wooden packing crate that enclosed the clawfoot tub we had installed 8 years ago. Today, I went out to try and raise the crate off of the ground to make it a little easier to get at the compost on the bottom. The bottom of the crate, which I probably should have removed when first installed, has rotted away quite well so now all I have is a frame. It is amazing how the garden can do your work for you, if you just wait long enough. (SMILE)

Finally, the 2 Lady Banks roses I picked up last Fall in Idyllwild, seem to be getting started. I have gently tied them to their trellis to urge them upwards. We shall see how well they do this summer.

There is still lots more to do, but I have some small sense of accomplishment in getting these little tasks out of the way.


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