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Saturday, January 04, 2003

Waiting on the porch

I have 2, 1-gallon containers of yellow lantana sitting on my porch, awaiting addition to the front bed along the street. I am only waiting for a little relief from a rotten head cold before I get out the spade and golves.

The purple variety of lantana,(Lantana montevidensis, I believe) I planted a few years ago has taken off very well and is really helping to keep the nut grass out of the bed. Long ago I decided on developing some sort of purple and gold theme for this front bed, but the yellow coreopsis that were once there have died out. I hope that the addition of these 2 yellow lantana do as well as the others. If so, I will be able to remove some of the other plants which are cluttering up the bed.

The plant links above come from The Plants Database, a great resource for plant information and pictures I found only today.


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