Dry gardens explained – 10 expert tips for a lush landscape | Livingetc

Dry gardens explained - 10 expert tips for a lush landscape via Livingetc [Shared]

Dry gardens get their name from the fact that they’re never watered, relying solely on rainfall. How good does that sound – freedom from watering duties forever. But that’s not their only benefit. Our summers are getting hotter and drier because of climate change. This means it’s a good idea to choose plants that will cope with dry soil and no additional watering if you’re concerned about water consumption.

Although the name doesn’t sound particularly appealing you can still have lush foliage and soft textures if you’re clever about dry garden design. Creating dry gardens is easy to do and it requires less maintenance than regular gardens as you generally leave it to get on with things. It taps into the sustainability trend too, saving water by using drought tolerant plants and mulching with gravel to keep the soil moist.

Read Dry gardens explained – 10 expert tips for a lush landscape | Livingetc