How to Make a Birdbath for Free via The Art of Doing Stuff

How to Make a Birdbath for Free via The Art of Doing Stuff [Shared]

I would like for you to imagine me truckin’ along, on my way to the store. Just walking on the sidewalk, minding my own business. (To make the picture in your mind’s eye incredibly realistic you might want to picture me as Christy Turlington. ‘Cause we’re often mistaken for one another on account of me looking exactly like a supermodel from the 1980’s.)

So you have that image in your head? O.K., then imagine my gazelle like legs getting tangled in each other as I do something worse than a faceplant. I do an *almost* faceplant; which is where you don’t completely fall but instead catch yourself in mid-air, give out a little toot and correct yourself before you actually hit the ground. Instead of road rash you end up with a really red face and that gross tingling feeling in your toes that comes with a startling scare. I hate that toe tingling feeling.

Read How to Make a Birdbath for Free via The Art of Doing Stuff