has a host of old seed catalogs (from mid-19th to mid-20th Century) available in many formats and on a host of topics. I happened across a few in my Pinterest feed and gone completely down the rabbit hole in this treasure trove of information. Sure some ideas might be out of date, but you never know what you might find when you explore these catalogs. I’ll be sharing more catalogs as I find them in the coming weeks. –Douglas

Historical Seed Catalogs: Bulbs and seeds : Autumn 1913 by D.M. Ferry & Co – 25 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Bulbs and seeds : Autumn 1913 by D.M. Ferry & Co - 25 in a seriesHistorical Seed Catalogs: Bulbs and seeds : Autumn 1913 by D.M. Ferry & Co - 25 in a series

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THERE are no flowers that give more pleasure and satisfaction than the winter and spring flowering bulbs.

These bulbs come mostly from Holland where the most favorable conditions of soil and climate, aided by centuries of the most painstaking cultural methods, have made it possible to supply less favored nations with a wealth of gorgeous beauty at a cost that seems trifling in comparison with the pleasure afforded. It is true that France, Japan, China and Bermuda contribute a share of the bulbs offered in this catalogue but their part is small compared with the cargoes that go forth annually from the ports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

We have therefore to thank principally the pains- taking Dutch growers whose forethought makes it possible for us to have so much of pleasure and de- light at the time of year when the returns are the most acceptable. Soon after the disappearance of snow and long before the ordinary house flowers are available, the hardy Crocus and Snowdrop may be had in their perfection; then the fair and stately Hyacinth, followed by the varied and exquisite Tulip and the graceful and charming Narcissus.

Our name has long been the standard for that which is best in our line. There are few who can supply as good bulbs as ourselves and no one, no matter what his pretentions may be, is in better posi- tion to procure first-class bulbs true to name and of unexcelled quality. Now is the time to order. The cost is small and Ferry’s bulbs are rich in satisfaction.

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