#alttext#The Dry Garden: Southern California’s most interesting experiment in water-wise landscaping
March 12, 2011, Los Angeles Times, Emily Green

“Spotting a pumpkin identified as a gourd prompted Leigh Adams to write John Lyons. She was (and is) an expert in gourd-craft as well as the artist-in-residence at the Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden. Lyons, whose website carried the photo of the pumpkin, was (and is) a garden designer and lecturer at the arboretum. Yet until Adams wrote, they had never met.

That was two years ago. They now joke that they are “as much in love as a non-couple could be.” And they have a baby, a 4-month-old garden that is brimming with art, native sages and fruit trees and is irrigated by rainwater harvested from the street.”

Read the entire article