Video: Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Video: Sponsors for Your Podcast from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch


You can also get a sponsor. Back in the early days of television it was “The Dinah Shore Show Sponsored by Chevrolet”, I believe. And they paid the large cost of producing that television show and if you  have particularly good contact, if you have a contact which is very interested in hitting your niche market, you might actually be able to get a sponsor — someone who will offer you a certain amount of funding to mention, play ads during your show, and to, basically, work in a partnership with them to reach an audience that they’r trying to advertise to. Now sponsorshop is tough. It’s a lot of leg work. It is a lot of phone time. I think it is one of the better ways of supporting your podcast, but unfortunately it is also one of the more difficult things to actually accomplish. So, there’s lots of resources online on about how to get a sponsor for your podcast — what you need to develop — like a press kit, and PR materials and stuff like that.

Links mentioned in this video:

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

iTunes Podcast Directory

Free Blogging Sites

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program

Far Lands of Bust

KurtJMac Patreon Page

Rob Paulson and Talking Toons

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

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