Category Archives: Show

Cynicism is a trap in your life and career – Podcast

How do you see the world? Do you see it like everyone else, or are your friends and family constantly telling you that you see the world in odd, different or even weird ways? Can you see danger where others … Continue reading

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Archive: Believing impossible things

“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve … Continue reading

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Lifetime learning enhances your life and career – Podcast

“Where can I learn about X?” “How to do I do this in Word/Excel/Powerpoint?” “Can I find out more about Y?” These are questions I hear from people almost everyday. There is a great need for learning, for education, even … Continue reading

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Action Items – Podcast

Two week’s ago I called for “A Year of Action!” So now, what… I am guessing that is what many of you are thinking. You understand that action is important, but you are having trouble figuring out your next (or … Continue reading

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A Year of Action – Podcast

As I have over the last several years, I am choosing a theme for this year. In the past I have selected the words Visibility and Leadership as my annual watchwords. This year, though, it is time for a Year … Continue reading

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Archive: Don’t make resolutions, make action items

I am writing on New Year’s Eve here in Los Angeles as celebrations of the New Year have already started in other, distant parts of the globe. We will be attending a party tonight to bring in 2011 ourselves, as … Continue reading

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Career Opportunities Podcasts for 2011

Here is a complete list of all the columns and podcasts for 2011, just in case you happened to miss any along the way. Please feel free to offer your questions and comments in each show. I’ll see those comments … Continue reading

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Life isn’t about the ticking clock – Podcast

At the end of each year I see many articles that seek to remind people “the clock is ticking.” Many of us see the New Year’s countdown as another sign that another hour, day, week or month has slipped away. … Continue reading

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The pain of solving a problem today is always less than the pain of solving it tomorrow – Podcast

Human conflict can be troubling to all parties involved. For myself, being forced into conflict with others leaves me drained, even when the problems are small. That said, many of us put off important, if painful, discussions much longer than … Continue reading

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Cultivating Your Career Reputations eBook now available!

In case you haven’t heard it elsewhere  — on the Career Opportunities blog, in the Twitter Feed or Facebook Page — I am here to announce the release of my latest career ebook, Cultivating Your Career Reputations. Listen to the … Continue reading

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