Monthly Archives: May 2008

How do you treat those around you?

How do you treat those around you? By Douglas E. Welch [audio:] Listen: How do you treat those around you? How do you treat those around you? May 30, 2008 Starting tomorrow, I want you to arrive at your work … Continue reading

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Archive: Nothing from Something – April 22, 2008

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas) [audio:] Listen to this episode Read the entire article Even as the world has progressed from a manufacturing economy to a … Continue reading

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Ugliness and Beauty

Ugliness and Beauty By Douglas E. Welch [audio:] Listen: Ugliness and Beauty You may think that ugliness and beauty are only concepts that occur in art, but they are both part of everyday life. More importantly, they are also a … Continue reading

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Archive: Working in a Coal Mine – April 15, 2005

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas) [audio:] Listen to this episode Read the entire article When I am having a particularly bad day on the job I … Continue reading

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Those who talk, but do not do

Those who talk, but do not do By Douglas E. Welch [audio:] Listen: Those who talk, but do not do “I want to…” “I need to…” “I would love to…” We hear these every day from those around us. We … Continue reading

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Seesmic Video Comments now enabled

Want to leave a comment, but hate to type? Career Opportunities now support video comments. Click the comments link below and leave me a few words of wisdom Try it out! Read more on this topic: Video Career Tips on … Continue reading

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Career Tip – 20080512-2

Your blog (twitter stream) is now your resume. Treat (Tweet) it well!! 🙂 Read/Listen to the article at: •• Get your daily Career Tip via Twitter – Follow CareerTips Read more on this topic: Career Tips – 20080512-1 Companies laying … Continue reading

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Career Tips – 20080512-1

Companies laying off people will often offer them lousy jobs at lousy pay to give them some “alternatives”. Don’t be sucked in. Go elsewhere. •• Get your daily Career Tip via Twitter – Follow CareerTips Read more on this topic: Career … Continue reading

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Career Tips via Twitter

Today I started a new daily Career Tips message using Twitter. If you are on Twitter already, you can type follow careertips or visit Career Tips from Career Opportunities Read more on this topic: Latest CareerTips via Twitter Career … Continue reading

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It is your career, after all

It is your career, after all By Douglas E. Welch [audio:] Listen: The difference between what is and what you wish it to be Lately, when asked to describe Career Opportunities I have found that I can better describe it … Continue reading

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