Category Archives: Show

Archive: The Usual Things – April 7, 2006

We all have parts of our job that we dislike. For me, this week has been a succession of re-installing Windows on crashed computers. As I write, the 5th machine is on the tech bench here in my office, slowly … Continue reading

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Career-Op Missing from iTunes Podcast Directory (Updated)

A more technical update is available by reading this post, which I wrote for my Careers in New Media blog, Apple podcasting changes cause problems with GoDaddy-hosted podcasts.  After Apple released its new Podcasts app for iPhone and iPad today I … Continue reading

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Don’t be tentative in your endeavors – Podcast

We can all be scared when starting a new endeavour. Whether it is a new job, a new business, a new relationship, the fear of the unknown can stop us in our tracks. Still, most of us can power through … Continue reading

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Out with the old job market and in with the new – Podcast

It is graduation time again here in the US. College graduates, high school graduates and, in the case of my own son, a graduation from Junior High and into High School. Where graduation usually brings a feeling of exhilaration for … Continue reading

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Video: Career Tip – Learning every day

In this Career Tip – You should be learning something every day in your work and in your life. If you aren’t, it could be a sign that you need to find a more challenging job. If you aren’t learning … Continue reading

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Video: The Fine Art of Troubleshooting Anything from BarCampLA

Douglas presents what he has learned about troubleshooting over nearly 25 years of computer consulting and how it can be applied to many life situations outside of technology. If you enjoy this recipe video, please click Like and/or subscribe on … Continue reading

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Your career depends on the company you keep – Podcast

“CHAPTER XXII — CONCERNING THE SECRETARIES OF PRINCES The choice of servants is of no little importance to a prince, and they are good or not according to the discrimination of the prince. And the first opinion which one forms … Continue reading

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Video Archives: Career Prescriptions at Tuesdays with Transitioners

Douglas E. Welch offers his career “prescriptions” – actions that every careerist should be doing to “build the career you deserve.” These prescriptions include blogging to share “what you do and how well you do it”, selectively using Facebook, LinkedIn … Continue reading

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Archive: A Death in the Family

Funerals have a way of sharpening your perspective on everything. The father of friend died unexpectedly this week. He had also become our friend over the years, helping us with legal and corporate issues in our small company. I also … Continue reading

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The little truths we need to tell ourselves – Podcast

Telling the truth, especially in situations that require it, is important to every career. The truth can be hard. It can be dangerous to your job. It can also raise you above others who have decided to ignore the problems … Continue reading

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