Jealousy and envy have no place in your career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio]

Jealousy and envy have no place in your career — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

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It is a rare person who has never suffered from jealousy and/or envy in their life and career. Both of these emotions are simply part of the — all too fragile — human condition. There are many times in our lives when we want what others have and are deeply jealous that they have it. Jealousy and envy can be greatly damaging to your career, though, and lead you to take actions you might not imagine otherwise. They can cause you to be petty, mean, controlling, and outright aggressive towards others if you feel your self-worth is threatened deeply enough. The perverse nature of jealousy and envy, though, is that it matters little in life what others have. Except in the most extreme cases, your accomplishments and your success are your own to control. Life is not a zero-sum game where everything someone else gains, you lose. We all gain and lose on our own merits, our own timeline and our own wants, needs and desires.

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