The Small Steps of Giant Leaps via Farnam Street [Shared]

The Small Steps of Giant Leaps – Farnam Street

Photo by Éric Deschaintre on Unsplash

Photo by Éric Deschaintre on Unsplash

One of the most beneficial skills you can learn in life is how to consistently put yourself in a good position. The person who finds themselves in a strong position can take advantage of circumstances while others are forced into a series of poor choices.

Strong positions are not an accident. Weak positions aren’t bad luck.

Telling someone they need to put themselves in a strong position is useless. Everyone knows they need a strong foundation to build a house that can weather a storm (or a wolf, thank you Three Little Pigs) but not everyone knows how we can create that foundation.

The answer is as simple as it is frustrating. The position you find yourself in today is the accumulation of the small choices that you’ve been making for years.

Read The Small Steps of Giant Leaps – Farnam Street

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