Historical Cooking Books: Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables by Janet Ross,(1899) – 35 in a series

Archive.org has a host of old cookery books (from mid-19th to mid-20th Century) available in many formats and on a host of topics. I happened across a few in my Pinterest feed and gone completely down the rabbit hole in this treasure trove of information. Sure some ideas might be out of date, but you never know what you might find when you explore these books. I’ll be sharing more books as I find them in the coming weeks. –Douglas

What might you find in these old cookbooks? What special recipes have been handed down to you? Share in the Comments!

Historical Cooking Books: Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables by Janet Ross,(1899) – 35 in a series

Historical Cooking Books: Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables by Janet  Ross,(1899) - 36 in a seriesHistorical Cooking Books: Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables by Janet  Ross,(1899) - 36 in a series

Historical Cooking Books: Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables by Janet  Ross,(1899) - 36 in a seriesHistorical Cooking Books: Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen, or, How to cook vegetables by Janet  Ross,(1899) - 36 in a series

Available in PDF, Text, JPG formats, and more


The innate love of change in man is visible even in the kitchen. Not so very long ago soup was an exception in English houses — almost a luxury. A dish of vegetables — as a dish and not an adjunct to meat — was a still greater rarity ; and even now plain – boiled potatoes, peas, cabbages, etc., are the rule. When we read of the dishes, fearfully and wonderfully made, in the old Italian novelle , we wonder whence the present Italians got their love of vegetables and maccaroni.

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** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

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