Historical Seed Catalogs: Hoveys’ illustrated guide and bulb catalogue for 1878 – 56 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Hoveys' illustrated guide and bulb catalogue for 1878 - 56 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Hoveys' illustrated guide and bulb catalogue for 1878 - 56 in a series

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To meet the increasing taste for the culture of hardy bulbs, and the yearly increasing demand for this favorite class of flowers, we have largely increased our stock, and have the pleasure of again presenting our Catalogue of the best sorts, which have been selected from our own personal experience in their cultivation. Our whole stock is imported by ourselves, direct from the best growers of bulbs in Holland ; and we do not hesitate to say, that, for ex- cellence of quality and superior variety, the assortment we offer is unsurpassed.

The Holland or Dutch bulbs have always been admired for their great beauty and brilliant colors ; and, for decorating the garden with early spring-flowers, they are indispensable : most of them blooming from March to June, when, comparatively, there are but very few other large and showy flowers ; and, without them, a garden would present at that -season a barren and unattractive appearance. At the very earliest opening of spring, the welcome Snow-drop ap- pears, followed by the golden Winter Aconite, the rich-blue Scillas, the Crocus in all its varied colors, and, in succession until June, the beautiful and fragrant Hyacinth, Narcissus, and the gorgeous Tulip in all its array of dazzling brilliancy ; producing, for a long season, such a fine display of flowers as cannot be had from any other class of plants, and rivalling in effect the bedding-plants of summer and autumn.

In addition to the great value of hardy bulbs for the open garden, many of them, such as the Crocus, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Jonquils, and Early Tulips, are equally desirable for house culture in winter, in pots, vases, rustic boxes, in baskets filled with sand and moss, and also in water. These may be filled with one kind of bulbs, or with several kinds and colors, to suit the fancy. A row of Crocuses round the edge, next a row of the Due Van Tholl Tulips, with the centre filled with Hyacinths and Polyanthus Narcissus, produces a very pleasing effect, and makes a pretty winter garden.

The season for planting all hardy bulbs is from the middle of September to the end of No- vember, and even into December, if the ground remains open ; but it is better for the bulbs, and much pleasanter, to do the work while the weather is mild and agreeable.

Publication date 1878
Topics Flowers Seeds Catalogs, Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs


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