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Monday, October 06, 2008

Replacement iPhone charger

Replacement iPhone charger
Originally uploaded by dewelch
Today in the mail I received my new iPhone wall charger to replace the one that was recalled a few weeks ago. The enclosed letter states that you MUST return the defective charger or your credit card will be charged for $30.00. I don't remember giving them a credit card for this particular transaction, but I planned on returning the unit anyway.

The packaging for the charger seemed a little large for the small charger. It seems it could have been shipped in a much smaller envelope and saved a considerable amount of packaging and weight.


At 10/20/2008 2:47 PM , Blogger Jill K. said...

hey - did you figure out who the shipping carrier for return is? it doesn't say anywhere on the packaging :( it's driving me crazy...

At 10/20/2008 3:18 PM , Blogger Douglas E Welch said...

DHL I believe


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