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Thursday, March 13, 2008

LIVE from the Library - March 13, 2008


At 3/14/2008 10:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help me out I swear I saw a cappuccino on this side from Moorpark ot Riverside.

At 3/15/2008 12:20 AM , Blogger Douglas said...

M Street Cafe is on Moorpark, just east of Fulton on the north side of the street.

At 3/17/2008 12:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. It's a nice walk from my home. Right after Easter I will be trying out that cappuccino.
Happy St. Patrick's Day

At 3/17/2008 12:39 PM , Blogger zzi said...

Thank you. It's a nice walk from my home. Right after Easter I will be trying out that cappuccino.
Happy St. Patrick's Day


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