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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Samson H2 Handy Recorder

(Updated 8/31/07 530pm : A review of the H2, along with audio examples, can be found at Michael W. Dean's site, StinkFight.com)

My fellow Friend in Tech member, Victor Cajiao, from the Typical Mac User podcast, mentioned he is picking up one of these units, so I started to check out the specs.

If I have the opportunity to "lay hands" on this unit at the Podcast and New Media Expo in September, I will give you a review and more information.

Samson H2

Link: Samson Web Site

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At 8/29/2007 7:20 PM , Anonymous AndyCast Andy said...

Hey Doug,

We just got our hands on one. The recording quality is outstanding. I haven't had a chance to run it through it's paces yet, but it looks like a really good device. Handing noise can be an issue but that was true for the H4. I'll let you know more once I get some more time to experiment.


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