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Monday, June 25, 2007

Don't camp out for an iPhone!

Apple iPhoneAs much as the Apple iPhone might be a neat piece of technology, and even useful, it is NOT, NOT, NOT worth camping out at your local Apple Store or AT&T outlet to get one on the day that it is released. There are several reasons for this:

  1. NOTHING is worth camping out. Repeat, NOTHING. There are millions of people all over the world who have to "camp out" in order to survive. Camping out for the "priviledge" of buying an iPhone (or any other piece of technology) is simply stupid.

  2. NEVER by a Revision 1 device...EVER...unless you simply love dealing with buggy software, incomplete systems and fragile hardware.

  3. Waiting even 1 day will make it cheaper and less of a trial to buy. Waiting a week makes if like buying anything else. Waiting a month, is probably a good idea. Heck, wait until Rev. 2, if you really want to get something good.

Finally, those who are camping out for the priviledge of spending $600-$1000 (with accessories) and another couple of thosand for a 2 year cell contract are not just being "sold" by Apple, they are being abused. What is worse, though, is they take the abuse...and like it!

You obviously won't be seeing me waiting in line on June 29. I prefer to make mature purchasing decisions and not be caught up in the manufactured frenzy just so I can say "FIRST!"

Bah humbug!

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