Vibrant Tiled Mosaics by Ememem Repair Gouged Pavement and Fractured Sidewalks via Colossal [Shared]

Vibrant Tiled Mosaics by Ememem Repair Gouged Pavement and Fractured Sidewalks via Colossal 

Vibrant Tiled Mosaics by Ememem Repair Gouged Pavement and Fractured Sidewalks via Colossal

Lyon native Ememem, aka “the pavement surgeon,” examines the streets of European cities and checks for splintered pavement and sidewalks fractured in pieces. Using tiles and stones, he patches the gouged wounds with vibrant mosaics, which nestle into uniquely shaped outlines in walkways and walls. The street-based interventions brighten the otherwise gray asphalt and cement with radial patterns and color-coded stripes that the artist describes as a “free and spontaneous surgical act, which repairs as much as it beautifies.”

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