Oh let it be over! One more sneeze and I am going to scream! – End of the Day for March 4, 2014

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There comes a time in every cold when you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. I get so frustrated when I am sick and eventually I start to feel guilty for not getting things done like I should. I try to keep it all together, but there is always something that slips through the cracks. This morning I had be up at 6am to take Joe to school. Of course, as nearly always happens, I had trouble falling asleep. So 6am arrives and I have about 4 hours sleep total. I return from the drop-off and make it through about 2 hours of my daily routine work when I hit the wall. Sleep deprivation is bad enough, but combined with a cold it brings everything to a halt.

2014 03 04 22 36 13

Am I well yet?!?!

I knew what I had to do. I put my pajamas back on, took my pills, and crawled back into bed to, hopefully, sleep it all away. 2 hours later I felt “better” but certainly not well. The afternoon ended up being a series of short tasks followed by long rest periods. I got some stuff done. but I could have (and should have) done a lot more. A short visit from a friend was nice and let me think about something other than the cold and the work I was missing. Days like this call for a nice hot pot of soup and that is exactly what I made. Chicken stock, udon noodles, chicken breast and a host of leftover veggies soon cleared my head a bit then a short session of television watching with the family. 

Colds always feel worse at night, though, and that is exactly why I am experiencing as I write. A few more minutes and it will be time to take some more pills, smear myself with Vaporub (yeah, I rock the old school (LAUGH)) and a warm bed. Rosanne is fond of saying the the only way to really heal to to sleep, so tonight will be another round in the battle. I’m hoping I feel better in the morning.

I’ve got stuff to do. (LAUGH)


Previously on End of the Day:

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