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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rosanne Makes Parsnip Muffins

After 23 years together, I see that my baking and my geekdom have had some influence on Rosanne. Here she is mixing up a bowl of parsnip muffins, of all things. She saw them on Alton Brown's Good Eats and decided to give them a try in a desperate attempt to get some vegetables into my and, in a less severe case, the boy's diet.

On the geek side, I was amazed to see her with her Macbook on the counter instead of a printed recipe. Now, if I could just convince her to turn on the live video stream, her geek apprenticeship would be complete. (SMILE)

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Friday, August 28, 2009

What is needed in California wildfire news coverage...more information!

Watching tonight's coverage of the Palos Verde fire and coverage of the Station and Morris fires over the last several days and I am having my usual thoughts about televison fire coverage. We get a little info from the reporters on location, weather, some street info, etc, but as a viewer I want, and in some cases NEED, a lot more information. The silly thing is, this information could be easily gathered and replace the almost information worthless shots (though quite dramatic) of flames reaching into the sky.

What do I want? Here are some pieces of info I would love to see overlaid, or in replacement of, the typical helicopter and ground shots:
  1. Google-style maps showing as much info as possible on perimeters of the fire as well as locations of spot fires
  2. Maps of evacuation routes and centers, real-time traffic on surrounding roads and streets
  3. In every live shot, an overlay map showing location of camera and a cone indicating the field of view of the camera. (video without some sense of direction and view is worthless) As an example, think of the little indicator in Google Street View.
  4. High-angle helicopter shots with overlay maps indicating major streets and landmarks
  5. A dedicated "Fire Channel" (think a very specialized Weather Channel) that doesn't have to cut away for Jimmy Kimbel or The Tonight Show even as the fires continue to burn out of control.The need for fire information doesn't suddenly stop at 11:35pm.
I think this type of information would also help to dispel some the repetitve and increasingly useless chatter of the anchors trying to fill time hour after hour.

How to do it
  • It seems that there are a host of technology tools that could be used to provide some of this info. If reporters carried GPS enabled smart phones, something as relatively simple as Google Latitude could be used to monitor their location in near-realtime. Staff back at the station wouldn't have to ask their location, they could quickly confirm it and then update their maps.
  • Locations of helicopter could also be gathered automatically and then used to orient overlay maps on live video shots.
  • The use of alternative video gathering equipment can make reporters more mobile and more able to cover the story closely. Large microwave vans are difficult to manuveur and often have to seek out locations far from the fire in order to establish a connection back to their station, Microwave is line-of-sight communication and suffers greatly in mountainous terrain. Cell phone coverage can be spotty as well, but in locations live Palos Verdes, converage is probably better than the microwave opportunities.
  • Encourage reporters to "text/twitter/live stream, etc" info back to the station for a live crawl showing the most up-to-date information.
We are still covering fires much like we did in the 70's even though the world, and technology, has changed dramatically over the intervening decades. Instead of showing shot after shot of dramatic flames, let's focus on delivering the information that people need to make better decisions about their homes and their lives.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Douglas on tonight's Typical Mac User LIve - Sept 23

I will be the guest of Victor Cajiao on this evenings Typical Mac User Live via Talkshoe.com.

We will be talking about all things Mac including the upcoming Leopard Mac OS X 10.5 release and concerns about updating, switching to a Mac and other Mac-releated concerns.

Join us LIVE on Talkshoe.com at 5 pm PDT/8 pm EDT tonight

You can chat live or call into the show for free and ask your questions LIVE, using the new Shoephone option in the free Talkshoe client software. Set up your free account now to be ready for tonight's show and future LIVE shows on Talkshoe,com.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Douglas talks technology on SoHo Tech Podcast's Monday Night Tech

I had a great time on Monday Night Tech with host, Dean Jensen. We talked about what to do when moving an office, weird Norton Internet Security problems, new comptuers and more! You can watch the video below or listen to the audio from Talkshoe.com.

Click to listen to the audio-only version

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Podcasting for Writers at UCLA Extension

Today the UCLA Extension calendar for Summer 2007 was released to the public. Among the offerings is our new class, Podcasting for Writers -- a 10-week online course.

If you, or someone you know, would like to join us for this class, here is the complete information.

Rosanne and I are really looking forward to the class.

Podcasting for Writers (Online)
X 430.27 Film & Television 3 units $525

Podcasting has given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting is "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the podcast creator and producer, it is the ultimate creative freedom. This course covers the current state of this new medium; the basics of writing for it; and strategies for publicizing your podcast and expanding your readers, viewers, and listeners. Guest speakers available via audio and video podcast interviews, live interactive podcasts, and video conferences introduce you to the variety of ways you can use the medium. The course goal is to develop your own podcast based on individual professional or personal needs, interests, and goals. For technical requirements click here. Enrollment limited to 18 students. Additional technical requirements: Students need a recording device with microphone that is compatible with their computer; built-in microphones on laptops are acceptable. Students must have Apple iTunes software and access to audio recording software, such as Audacity or Apple GarageBand, to perform course exercises. High-speed Internet connection is required.

Course Open Reg# T3254U

No Textbook Required

Online Course
July 5 - September 6
$55 nonrefundable.

Rosanne Welch, writer/producer; WGA member whose credits include five seasons as staff writer, executive story editor, and producer on the CBS series Touched by an Angel. Ms. Welch also has written for Fox Broadcasting's Beverly Hills, 90210; Picket Fences for CBS and David E. Kelly Productions; and is the author of The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space.

Douglas E. Welch, writer and computer consultant, whose work has been published in Wired, MacWorld, and Los Angeles Times. Mr. Welch is a member of Friends in Tech, and produced his first show, Career Opportunities, in 2004. He has written and produced over 300 individual episodes and conducts podcasting seminars for schools and businesses.

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Internet Television - Joost! - I've got invites!

Joost is the new Internet Television Service, still in beta, that allows you to watch a variety of channels and a variety of shows on demand. The selection of shows is a bit slim at the moment, but I have watched a few documentaries that I know I never would have seen anywhere else.

Joost Promotional Video

Click to watch the What is Joost? video

Joost™ the best of tv and the internet

You need an invite to check it out, but all of us Joost Beta Testers now have around 999 invites to pass out, so all you have to do is ask. Send a blank email to welchwrite+joost@gmail.com and I will send you an invite so you can check it out.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches

Los Angeles Public LibraryYep, its true, at least according to this press release (PDF) from the LA Public Library web site. Great news and a big step toward getting wireless access to all who can take advantage of it.

Of course, remember, the LAPL also offers computers for Internet browsing and other tasks at all its branches, too!

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches The L.A. Public Library just put out a release saying that free wireless is now available to laptop users in all 71 branches as well as the Central Library downtown....

(Via L.A. Observed.)

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Learn how to subscribe to a podcast

Learn How To Subscribe LogoEven if you listen to my podcasts directly from the web site, or see the Subscribe links on this page, you still may be wondering what this "subscription" thing is all about.

Well, here is a video that shows you exactly how to subscribe to podcast using iTunes or the Juice podcatching client.

Watch How to Subscribe to a Podcast

After you watch the video, you can use the links below to subscribe to My Word and and receive each new episode automatically.

Subscribe with iTunes

Copy this link to Subscribe using other podcatching clients or RSS feed readers

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Monday, April 23, 2007

On Podcasting (and Blogging): Blogging and Podcast Tech Meetup

I was doing some thinking during my son's ball game tonight and my mind turned back to 2 recent experiences. Both times, I was sitting around with friends who are not really tech geeks like myself. That said, the conversation eventually turned to blogging and podcasting, which they each do in a small way.

These conversations ended up spinning out into mini-conferences on all the great new tools there are available, the conventions of blogging and podcasting (how most people do things) and how to figure out the tech side in order to get some great projects moving forward.

Tonight, via Twitter (you can find me at dewelch), I floated the idea of a Los Angeles-based meetup to talk blogging and podcasting tech. I get together with other groups to chat about content and such, but we NEVER have enough time to share ideas about how, technically, to accomplish some of our ideas.

While I certainly don't know everything, I think I know enough to help facilitate such a group. Nothing pleases me more than getting someone blogging or podcasting, even in a small way. While the site may be rough around the edges or the podcast a bit unrefined, I love the fact that I helped people to get their message out there. I have met enough people, with enough varied knowledge, that I think we need to get together and share that knowledge. There is a pent-up demand for this information. People are just dying to talk about it.

So, if you have any interest in getting together over drinks, food or whatever, for a short tech demo, followed by massive and useful Q&A on all things blogging and podcasting, drop me a line at myword@welchwrite.com. The main goal is to get the information you need to take the next step with your blog or podcast.

While this meeting will be hosted in LA, there is nothing really stopping us from sending out a ustream.tv stream or a Talkshoe conference call to anyone else who wants to join in. Why not use some of these new tools to spread the word? (SMILE)

Let me know what you think!

Here are some possible points for discussion:

  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • TypePad
  • MySpace
  • RSS feeds
  • FeedBurner
  • Web Hosting
  • Libsyn
  • Flickr
  • Recording and Editing Audio and Video
  • Advertising
  • Categories
  • Technorati
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • CDBaby
  • Directories
  • iTunes and its Quirks
  • ...and much, much, more!

Read more: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Become your own video broadcaster!

Have you ever wanted to become a broadcaster, sending your show out to tens or hundreds of people?

uStream.tv might just be the answer to your dreams. Using only your webcam, web browser and Flash plugin, you can be broadcasting to your friends, family or the world.

Here is a test run I gave the service with some of my fellow Friends in Tech members. It was done using only the built-in web cam on my laptop.

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TED Talks give you deep learning...for free!

TED Conference Web Site Screen ShotTED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and it is one of the most exclusive conferences in the world. That said, you can now see hundreds of the talks from TED from the comfort of your own computer.

There are talks on Technology, Science, Culture and more from some of the best known names in the world, including Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, David Pogue and Frank Gehry.

The TED.com web site brings the world's foremost authorities right into your home or office. Check it out, but don't blame me if you lose yourself there. Of course, your time will be very well spent.

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue (Bob Tedeschi/New York Times)

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue — THOSE who don't have $6,000 or enough prominent connections to get into a TED conference can take heart. The price of admission just went to zero, provided you can settle for a more remote experience. — The TED organization …

Source: New York Times

Author: Bob Tedeschi

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/16/technology/16ecom…

Techmeme permalink

(Via Techmeme.)

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Live Reading: Love Letters from History - Valentine's Day

Update: 2/14/07 10:30 pm): High-quality audio is now available for your listening pleasure if you couldn't make it to the LIVE reading.

Love Letter GraphicJoin us for a LIVE reading of Love Letters from History this Valentine's Day at Talkshoe.com.

We will have a series of letters available for reading and you can call in and read LIVE along with our cast of players.

A LIVE Reading of Love Letters from History

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 9 PM EST/6 PM PST

Download the script to follow along or read a selection

Want to join us online, read this post for a guide on How to Join Our LIVE Shows for FREE

Previous WelchWrite Specials:
A LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On Podcasting: A Presentation to the IABC in Los Angeles, California

Photo of Douglas E. Welch by eecueThis edition of On Podcasting is a recording of my presentation to the IABC LA (International Association of Business Communicators, Los Angeles), including a very in-depth question and answer session.

Listen to the Presentation

Previous "On Podcasting" articles:
On Podcasting: Freedom
On Podcasting: Money, money, money
On Podcasting: Belkin TuneStudio
On Podcasting: 2 years ago in podcast history...
On Podcasting: It's just a hobby, right?
On Podcasting: Podcasting and Education Panel from the Expo Audio
On Podcasting: My Podcast Process
On Podcasting: GoDaddy.com - Web hosts that don't host
On Podcasting: The Why, How and What of Podcasting - from BarCampLA 2006 Audio/Video
On Podcasting: Talking to the "old" media
Douglas interviewed on The Red Fence Project Video
Douglas on YourLA Video
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

LA Info: Off to the E-Waste Drop-off We Go!

Randall Street S.A.F.E Collection Center
11025 Randall St. Sun Valley, CA 91352
Map and Info in PDF Format

Other S.A.F.E Centers

I finally got my act together this morning, gathered up all my eWaste, packed them into my Element and headed off to the industrial heartland of the San Fernando Valley -- Sun Valley. It is here that the City of Los Angeles has a permanent drop-off site for eWaste and Hazardous Waste.

The picture above shows the entrance to the location. They were unwilling to let me take photos within the drop-off itself.

The Collection Center was well-organized and not very busy at 1030 AM on a Saturday. Their hours of operation are Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Rain cancels the drop-off.

My load contained 3 old PCs, my venerable Apple LaserWriter Pro 600 that finally died after 15+ years of service, a bag of batteries, a fax machine and a computer monitor I no longer needed. I hate to throw anything away, but these PCs wouldn't even run one of the small Linux distributions anymore, so there wasn't much I could do. I have recycled one old PC myself as a office server and it works very well.

The flyer from the web site declares a 6-piece limit for the drop-off, but the staff didn't seem concerned with my, probably, 8-9 item total, when you included the small individual pieces. The staff was friendly and efficient. You don't even have to unload. Due to the hazardous waste that might be dropped off, you are requested to remain in your car during the process.

If you have old electronics lying around, remember, California State Law now declares that they must be disposed of properly and not simply thrown in the trash. Visit on of the permanent drop-off centers, or check the eWaste calendar for a scheduled drop-off in your area.

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