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Sunday, January 24, 2010

CareerCampLA Registration is now open!

CareerCampLA 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Congregational Church of Northridge
Northridge, California

A hybrid conference/unconference dedicated to "helping you build the career you deserve". The day will include scheduled speakers, ad hoc presentations and breakout sessions on all aspects of building your career. CareerCamp is for anyone who wants to build and/or improve their career.

Visit the CareerCampLA Web Site to register!

Please note, there are special fields for people who would like to volunteer and people who would like to speak at CareerCampLA. Make sure you fill those in if interested.

I look forward to seeing many of you at CareerCampLA.

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Friday, January 01, 2010

Blue Dog Beer Tavern in Sherman Oaks

This post over at FoodGPS, Blue Dog Beer Tavern and Boneyard Bistro, prompted me to write this short comment.

I have been enjoying regular visits to the Blue Dog Beer Tavern since it opened a few months ago. I live nearby and find myself taking lunch there whenever I want a special treat. I like the fish and chips a lot and I have also tried the burgers and sampled the mac and cheese with chilies.

I also like the chance to sample the out of the ordinary beers along with the food. It is slowly becoming my regular “local” either alone, with family or friends.

Visit the Blue Dog Beer Tavern

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Do It Right! LA City Christmas Tree Pickup and Recycling

My friend, Keri Dearborn, over at Animalbytes has pointed out this great information for City of LA residents about Christmas tree pickup, dropoff and recycling.

In the past, many Christmas trees were simply dumped curbside, on lawns or in empty lots. They would often site there for a month or more until someone decided to clean them up.

The best action to take, of course, is to cut up, or chip/shred your tree for use as mulch in your garden or compost pile. While I have the ability to do that here, I realize some other city dwellers might not be equipped for such things.

If you can't mulch or compost your tree, the City of LA has 3 different ways to dispose of your Christmas Tree.

  1. Cut it up and place it in your standard green garden bin

  2. Leave it curbside, if it is too big to fit in the bin (or you are unable to dismantle it)

  3. Take your tree to a long list of drop-off sites around the city incuding various Parks and Recreation and Fire Station locations. This is a limited time option, though. You will only be able to do this on Saturday, January 2, 2010 and Sunday, January 3, 2010.

Here is complete information on City of Los Angeles Christmas Tree Recycling Program. Dispose of your Christmas tree properly!

Photo Credit: Flickr picture by Shira Golding

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silent Film Version of A Christmas Carol

While watching today's Holiday Celebration at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion I saw a group perform in front of a projection of an early silent film version of "A Christmas Carol."

A quick Google search turned up the entire film on YouTube and I have embedded it below. Enjoy!

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Event: LA2600 Meeting Tonight - Segwii

This image shows the parts found inside a Netg...Image via Wikipedia

More information on LA2600

"2600 meetings are open to anyone with an interest in technology: our attendees come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and all are welcome."
6 February 2009: Arko gives a talk on the Segwii.

The Segwii is a self-balancing robot that is remotely controlled by a Wiimote. The goal of this project is to educate robot enthusiasts, share ideas, and to improve on designs. There are many things to learn and help out in, including open source software and hardware, complementary filtering, PID (Proportional Inegral Derivatives), and embedded systems programming.

Arko will be bringing the prototype Segwii for all to play with.

For more information on the Segwii project, visit http://www.segwii.com/

Will the Segwii become self-aware and enslave all humanity? Come to February's LA2600 and find out.
Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Places LA - Turner Holiday Light Show 2008

A sample of the Turner Family Holiday Light show and a short interview with its creator, Ric Turner. This is the third year for the show, which changes each year.

You can see the show yourself, live and in person, at 23917 Philbrook Ave, Valencia, CA 91354 (Map Link)

You can see a complete video of this year's show, as well as 2007's, on YouTube.

A complete video of the 2008 show

Turner Holiday Light Show 2007

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Event: Machine Project Workshops - Ghosts and Robots

These sound like really cool workshops, although they do cost a few dollars. I wish I had the time and money to go. -- Douglas

We have two new workshops this month involving motors and mechanisms. The first is an Animatronic Ghost Workshop this Sunday. Based on a project featured in the upcoming Halloween special edition of MAKE Magazine, you’ll be building your very own pulley-and-motor-driven ghoul to scare your neighbors with. Sunday Oct 7th, 12-4pm, $150. Limit to seven people, registration now open.


The second is a hands on workshop about robotic art with Dorkbot founder Douglas Repetto. Please join us for an introduction to the wide world of motors and mechanical systems for use in kinetic and robotic artworks. We’ll cover basic motor and solenoid types, play with examples of each type of motor and talk about which ones are suitable where. We’ll look at some basic mechanical parts and systems like shaft collars, slip rings, gears, belts, and pulleys. We’ll also talk about sourcing components, creative reuse of found materials, material selection, and building for durability. Participants will build a variety of adorable mechanisms using discarded electro-mechanical devices (printer, scanner, fax machine, blender, anything that moves!) Sunday Oct 14th (12pm-4pm) and Saturday Oct 20th (11am to 6pm). $185. Limit to ten people, registration now open


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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Event: Friends of the Island Fox and Jane Goodall - Sept 23

Friends of the Island Fox and Jane Goodall

Friends of the Island Fox is proud to join our friend Dr. Jane Goodall at the

5th Annual Day of Peace
sponsored by Roots and Shoots and the Jane Goodall Institute

Come Join in the Fun at this FREE event:

Sunday, September 23
at GRIFFITH PARK (by the merry-go-round)
11 AM - 4 PM

There will be:

Hear Jane Goodall speak and help celebrate the community and conservation work accomplished by local Roots and Shoots youth groups.

Visit Friends of the Island Fox at our booth. We will selling “Friends of the Island Fox” T-shirts and offering stuffed toy foxes for a $10 donation.

We’ll be raising funds for fox radio collars and looking for schools willing to meet the conservation challenge of becoming Fox Ambassadors.

Come by and say “Hi.”

For more information: rootsandshootsla@aol.com
or www.janegoodall.org/peace-day

(Via Friends of the Island Fox.)

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Podcasting for Writers at UCLA Extension

Today the UCLA Extension calendar for Summer 2007 was released to the public. Among the offerings is our new class, Podcasting for Writers -- a 10-week online course.

If you, or someone you know, would like to join us for this class, here is the complete information.

Rosanne and I are really looking forward to the class.

Podcasting for Writers (Online)
X 430.27 Film & Television 3 units $525

Podcasting has given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting is "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the podcast creator and producer, it is the ultimate creative freedom. This course covers the current state of this new medium; the basics of writing for it; and strategies for publicizing your podcast and expanding your readers, viewers, and listeners. Guest speakers available via audio and video podcast interviews, live interactive podcasts, and video conferences introduce you to the variety of ways you can use the medium. The course goal is to develop your own podcast based on individual professional or personal needs, interests, and goals. For technical requirements click here. Enrollment limited to 18 students. Additional technical requirements: Students need a recording device with microphone that is compatible with their computer; built-in microphones on laptops are acceptable. Students must have Apple iTunes software and access to audio recording software, such as Audacity or Apple GarageBand, to perform course exercises. High-speed Internet connection is required.

Course Open Reg# T3254U

No Textbook Required

Online Course
July 5 - September 6
$55 nonrefundable.

Rosanne Welch, writer/producer; WGA member whose credits include five seasons as staff writer, executive story editor, and producer on the CBS series Touched by an Angel. Ms. Welch also has written for Fox Broadcasting's Beverly Hills, 90210; Picket Fences for CBS and David E. Kelly Productions; and is the author of The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space.

Douglas E. Welch, writer and computer consultant, whose work has been published in Wired, MacWorld, and Los Angeles Times. Mr. Welch is a member of Friends in Tech, and produced his first show, Career Opportunities, in 2004. He has written and produced over 300 individual episodes and conducts podcasting seminars for schools and businesses.

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Come see the trains! - Slim Gauge Guild Model Railroad Club

Slim Gauge Guild Model RailroadThe Slim Gauge Guild Model Railroad Club in Pasadena is having its semi-annual Open House this Sunday, June 3, 2007 (10am-7pm) and Tuesday, June 5, 2007 (6pm-10pm). Admission is FREE!

Click the photo for a picture gallery from a previous visit.

We have attended this event several times over the years and always find it fun. Even better, you can use the Metro Rail lines to take you right to the event. The Del Mar station of the Metro Gold Line is right across the street.

For example, from here in Van Nuys, we can take the Orange Line busway to the Red Line station in North Hollywood, the Red Line to Union Station and the Gold Line to Pasadena. Talk about a railroad adventure! (SMILE) A Metro Day Pass is only $3, going up to $5 on July 1st, so use this chance to enjoy a cheap ride on the train.

This detailed Google Map should give you all the info you need!

Google Map with Slim Gauge Guild Marked

Click for an interactive version of the map

If you go one more stop on the Gold Line, you are 1 block away from Old Town Pasadena, where you can explore, shop and eat. We usually have lunch at the Crown City Brewery, which is in the same building as the club.

We plan on arriving around 10 AM, as we have another commitment in the late afternoon. Join us for trains, and lunch, if you like or explore more of Pasadena before heading home.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches

Los Angeles Public LibraryYep, its true, at least according to this press release (PDF) from the LA Public Library web site. Great news and a big step toward getting wireless access to all who can take advantage of it.

Of course, remember, the LAPL also offers computers for Internet browsing and other tasks at all its branches, too!

LAPL: Wi-Fi now in all branches The L.A. Public Library just put out a release saying that free wireless is now available to laptop users in all 71 branches as well as the Central Library downtown....

(Via L.A. Observed.)

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Music Unwrapped - May 19 - Long Beach

The Music Unwrapped series is the ideal way for the family to spend a
Saturday morning learning about a wide variety of great music. The
Grammy Award-winning Southwest Chamber Music presents an enter-
taining and enjoyable learning experience, including interaction with the
audience suitable for all ages. Experience three intriguing programs
while traveling to wonderful venues around Southern California. The
event will feature Mexican composer Carlos Chávez.

WHEN: May 19, 10:00 a.m.

SITE: Museum of Latin American Art, 628 Alamitos Avenue, Long Beach

COST: Free

SPONSOR: Southwest Chamber Music

INFO: 1-800-726-7147, www.swmusic.org

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs

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Monday, April 30, 2007

A Gardener's Notebook Promo

A Gardener's Notebook LogoHave you heard about one of my other podcasts, A Gardener's Notebook? Would you like to share it with others?

Here is a promo that you can share with your friends or place in your own podcast.

Play -- A Gardener's Notebook Promo

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Events: Ranger guided hike - Vasquez Rocks Natural Area - Every Sunday

Ranger guided hike

Contributed by: Vasquez Rocks Natural Area

What: A park ranger will lead a nature hike through the park the second, third, fourth (and sometimes fifth) Sunday of each month. The hikes last approximately one hour. Meet at the park office. For information, call (661) 268-0840.

Where: Vasquez Rocks Natural Area, 10700 W. Escondido Canyon Road, Agua Dulce

When: 11 a.m.

(Via Valley News.com)

You can get WelchEvent updates directly to your email Inbox with a FREE subscription to the WelchEvents Mailing list. I also regularly post events here on the My Word blog.

If you are already a subscriber to WelchEvents, and find it useful, please consider a donation to help defray the costs of researching and posting the events. Visit the WelchEvents page to donate.

Donate Now!

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Western Family Fun Day - May 12 - Eagle Rock

Western Family Fun Day

Date: May 12, 2007
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Doors open at 12:30, Carnival Games 1:00 - 2:00, Live Musical Performance 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Location: SW Hill Country Western Store and Museum
Address: 1412 Colorado Blvd , Eagle Rock , 90041

Cross Streets: Colorado / Mt. Helena

Region: Downtown LA

Phone: (323) 256-2500

Admission: Free For Kids; $2 for Adults

Kid Friendly: Carnival Games and Live Western Music for Kids

Food Services: Drinks and snacks for sale to benefit local equestrian group

Accessibility: Wheel Chair Access

Website: www.swhillcountry.com

Description: Western Family Fun Day. Includes Carnival Games from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Musical Performance: The Hollow Trees from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Adults are $2 and children are free.

(Via ExperienceLA.com)

Do you find WelchEvents useful? Please consider a donation using Paypal.

Visit the WelchEvents Site

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Monday, April 23, 2007

On Podcasting (and Blogging): Blogging and Podcast Tech Meetup

I was doing some thinking during my son's ball game tonight and my mind turned back to 2 recent experiences. Both times, I was sitting around with friends who are not really tech geeks like myself. That said, the conversation eventually turned to blogging and podcasting, which they each do in a small way.

These conversations ended up spinning out into mini-conferences on all the great new tools there are available, the conventions of blogging and podcasting (how most people do things) and how to figure out the tech side in order to get some great projects moving forward.

Tonight, via Twitter (you can find me at dewelch), I floated the idea of a Los Angeles-based meetup to talk blogging and podcasting tech. I get together with other groups to chat about content and such, but we NEVER have enough time to share ideas about how, technically, to accomplish some of our ideas.

While I certainly don't know everything, I think I know enough to help facilitate such a group. Nothing pleases me more than getting someone blogging or podcasting, even in a small way. While the site may be rough around the edges or the podcast a bit unrefined, I love the fact that I helped people to get their message out there. I have met enough people, with enough varied knowledge, that I think we need to get together and share that knowledge. There is a pent-up demand for this information. People are just dying to talk about it.

So, if you have any interest in getting together over drinks, food or whatever, for a short tech demo, followed by massive and useful Q&A on all things blogging and podcasting, drop me a line at myword@welchwrite.com. The main goal is to get the information you need to take the next step with your blog or podcast.

While this meeting will be hosted in LA, there is nothing really stopping us from sending out a ustream.tv stream or a Talkshoe conference call to anyone else who wants to join in. Why not use some of these new tools to spread the word? (SMILE)

Let me know what you think!

Here are some possible points for discussion:

  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • TypePad
  • MySpace
  • RSS feeds
  • FeedBurner
  • Web Hosting
  • Libsyn
  • Flickr
  • Recording and Editing Audio and Video
  • Advertising
  • Categories
  • Technorati
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • CDBaby
  • Directories
  • iTunes and its Quirks
  • ...and much, much, more!

Read more: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Event: Model airplane workshop - April 20 and on-going

Model plan flying pictureModel airplane workshop

Contributed by: Encino Community Center on 2/26/2007

What: For ages 9 to 12 years; cost of this workshop is $10.

This workshop is a hands-on introduction to aviation principles using various types of model aircrafts. An understanding of the four opposing forces of thrust, drag, lift and weight will be discussed and applied, as well as, how these forces and gravity affect the stability of aircrafts. The last session will meet at the Apollo XI Model Airport. Instructed by a FAA certified flight instructor.

Where: 4935 Balboa Blvd. Encino
When: 4-5 p.m.

Event Dates: This event takes place every Friday from 4/13/2007 through 5/18/2007.

(Via ValleyNews)

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Event: Free trees in Sherman Oaks this Saturday - April 21

The gang over at LAist clued us in to this event. If you have a need for a tree in your landscaping, be sure to stop by.

Million Trees program comes to Sherman Oaks

Contributed by: GM Communications on 4/13/2007

What: The Fashion Square Car Wash, in association with the Million Trees program, will give away free trees to the public from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, at the car wash.

The program, created by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, distributes trees to all areas of the city. People who pick up a five-gallon tree are asked to plant the tree on their home or business property.

No car wash sale is required to participate in the program. The car wash plans to give away 200 trees during the Saturday program.

Where: Fashion Square Car Wash, 4625 Woodman Ave., Sherman Oaks

When: 8 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Event Dates: This event takes place on 4/21/2007.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Event: Brewery Art Walk - Spring 2007 - April 21 & 22

Brewery Artwalk Logo

It's time once again for the twice-yearly Brewery Art Walk in Downtown Los Angeles.

Head down to the Brewery Art Lofts and check out the art and lofts of more than 50 artists. Food and Drink are available and Barbara's at the Brewery will be serving complete meals.

Plenty of parking is available in the UPS lot, just to the West of the Brewery Complex.

I always have a great time and recommend the Art Walk to everyone I know.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Event: “Q”ing at the Autry - April 14

“Q”ing at the Autry

Who makes the best barbecue in Los Angeles? Join us for the premiere barbeque festival in Southern California. Come see a barbecue champion crowned and learn some tricks of the trade as you enjoy food, music, and family fun.

WHEN: April 14, call for times

SITE: Autry National Center, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles

COST: Free

SPONSOR: Autry National Center

INFO: 323-667-2000, www.autrynationalcenter.org

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Event: Pillow Theatre – David Prather - Apr 14

This series of Saturday morning performances is designed for families with children ages 3 through 6. Imaginative artists in music, theatre, and dance engage children in lively shows that encourage creative thinking. An interactive arts workshop will follow each performance. Enjoy this high-energy, interactive, poetry jam that introduces children to the antics and agility of words. From popular jump rope jingles, to the shenanigans of Shel Silverstein and the whimsy of A. A. Milne, parents and children will experience poetry like never before.

WHEN: April 14, 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

SITE: BP Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall, 111 S. Grand Ave., Downtown Los Angeles

COST: Free

SPONSOR: The Music Center Education Division

INFO: 323-850-2000, www.musiccenter.org/education

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Douglas' Article in Podcast User Magazine

Podcast User Magazine pageMy profile of Goodnight Burbank producer, actor and writer Hayden Black, appears in this month's edition of Podcast User Magazine.

You can download the entire magazine as a PDF file from the link below.

"Born in Manchester, England, Hayden Black moved with his family to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the early 80s. Little did he know at the time, in days long before podcasting existed, that this would lead to a very popular video podcast that has boosted his entertainment career to new levels.

As he sat at Art’s Deli in Studio City, California, enjoying bagels and lox, Hayden beamed as he recounted his latest publicity success, a ‘Best of the Web’ mention in the print edition of TV Guide. Hayden’s light and proper English accent lends a sense of elegance to his speech, despite his California casual attire." (Continues)

Link: Podcast User Magazine #15

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Douglas speaks at SongsAlive Los Angeles Workshop - April 1

Douglas E. Welch photo"Podcasting: Your Own Private/Public Radio Station"

SongsAlive Los Angeles Workshop

Sun. April 1 2007 1pm - 4pm at The Coffee Junction

Invented out of the already existing pieces of the Internet, MP3 audio files, web sites, weblogs and RSS feeds, Podcasting opens up a new way of communicating your music to the world. Easy, fast and cheap, you can be podcasting your words, music and commentary to your friends, your fans or the entire world in a few hours. Imagine your own radio station where you pick the playlist, you choose the message and you get to talk directly to those who are most interested in your work. Podcasting allows listeners to have what they want, when they want, where they want it, and you can use that freedom to your advantage.

Join Douglas E. Welch, computer consultant, author and podcaster (and a so-so guitar player), as he introduces you to the terms and tools of podcasting, gives an update on the current state of podcasting and shows you just how easy it can be to get started.

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Foodie Q&A with Chef Joanna from BarCampLA-3

Chef Joanna.com Logo

Chef Joanna gives a great presentation about Foodie Issues, including cooking pans, utensils, knives and more.

You can find more information on Chef Joanna at http://chefjoanna.com

Listen to Foodie Q&A with Chef Joanna

Podtrac Player
Pop It At popcurrent.com

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Food: Casa Bianca - For Health!

I'm always looking for a good pie, especially since I have been to Italy and tasted what a pie is supposed to be. (SMILE)

Despite the wait Ruth mentions, I think I might have to check this out the next time I am over in the Eagle Rock area.
Casa Bianca - For Health!

Ruth666: [sausage, mushroom, extra cheese, plus a coupla mozzarella fingers for good measure]

If you're tired of hearing everyone rag on LA for having shitty pizza (and we do), pile them in your car and stuff their pie holes at Casa Bianca Pizza Pie in lovely Eagle Rock.


(Via Blogging.LA.)
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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Event: Birdwatching -- Outdoor Adventures 2007

Date: Fourth Thursday, of every month, March 22, 2007 - June 28, 2007

Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM; March 22 at 4:00pm; April 26 at 9:00am; May 24 at 4:00pm; June 28 at 9:00pm. Allow about 2 to 3 hours.

Location: Burton Chace Park: Meeting place is the Community Room

Address: 13650 Mindanao Way , Marina del Rey , 90292

Cross Streets: Lincoln Blvd. / Mindanao Way

Transit Tips: A 15 passenger van will transport the group to the wetlands.

Region: North Beach Area

Phone: (310) 822-8530

Admission: The Birdwatching is free but you must pre-register.

Website: www.labeaches.info

Description: Burton Chace Park is offering a birdwatching experience in
various sites of the Ballona Wetlands. Outings begin with a brief lecture;
then the group will get the opportunity to observe various bird species
compete for resources in the shoreline and vegetations habitat. You may also
be taken to nesting sites of the Great Blue Heron and Black Crowned Night

This activity is planned for adults but older children (not requiring a car
seat or stroller) will be allowed to participate if accompanied by an adult.

Recommended items to bring are: water, snack, sunscreen, appropriate attire
and binoculars. Meeting place is the Burton Chace Park Community Room, were
a 15-passenger van driven by a California commercial license driven will
take the group to the wetlands.

Free Walking Tour

Submitted By: Marina del Rey Convention & Visitors Bureau

Source: ExperienceLA.com

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Event: Tomato class @ CSUN - March 11

From The Los Angeles Times, March 8, 2007...

Scott Daigre, author of "Tomatomania! How to Grow Tomatoes in Southern California," shares his strategy for planting and selecting the best varieties, 9 to 10:30am and 11am to 12:30pm.


Cal State Northridge Botanic Garden, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge.

Registration required due to limited seating.

Email botanicgarden@csun.edu or call 818-677-3496.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Video Postcard - Downtown Los Angeles

This is a short video postcard (15 secs) that I shot at the Music Center in downtown Los Angeles yesterday. As some of you know, I was seated on what was to be a 3 week trial, but the case was settled today so I am back at work. It might take me a few days to get caught up, though.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Event: Urban Garden Talk - Downtown Mar 14

It looks like I might actually make it to this one, as I am downtown on jury duty for quite a while and in the courthouse right across the street. Cool! -- Douglas

Photo: "A Rose for Lily" fountain in the Disney Hall Garden

The Urban Garden Talks

This is a series of informative lec- tures led by hand-selected experts designed to provide everyone from garden aficionados to curious beginners with tips on creating and main- taining healthy and vibrant home gardens.

The lecture Attracting Birds and Butterflies will be followed by a tour of the garden.

WHEN: March 14, 12:00 noon

SITE: Walt Disney Concert Hall Garden,
111 S. Grand Ave., Downtown Los Angeles

COST: Free

SPONSOR: Music Center

INFO: 213-972-4311, www.musiccenter.org

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Event: Annual Wilmington Wisteria Festival - Mar 11

Wisteria photo from Lake Balboa, Van Nuys, CaliforniaAnnual Wilmington Wisteria Festival

A horticultural celebration that includes a walking lecture while visitors traverse the century-old Chinese and Japanese vines in the museum’s garden. Guests will also be able to njoy floral and gardening displays from local designers. Lunch will be available for purchase on the park grounds of this Victorian-era home of General Phineas Banning and entertainment will be provided.

WHEN: March 11, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

SITE: Banning Residence Museum, 401 East ‘M’ St., Wilmington

COST: Free

SPONSOR: City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks

INFO: 1-888-LA PARKS (527-2757), www.laparks.org

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

Photo: Douglas E. Welch, Lake Balboa, Van Nuys, California, 2003

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Total Lunar Eclipse - March 3

Update: (3/3/2007 8:35pm): More info from LAist, blogging.la, and Flickr pictures from flyinfoxymama

Update 3/3/07: 9:52pm: Eclipse photos in the Make Photo Pool on Flickr

While we here in California will only be able to see part of the eclipse cycle (if I read the chart linked below correctly), it should still be a neat site. The moon will rise in near totality and then we will see it uncover as the evening progresses. I think I enjoy lunar eclipses more than solar eclipses because they are much more easily observed and present such an odd viewpoint of the moon.

To do March 3: look up in night sky, see total lunar eclipse

Xeni Jardin
: Link to details at NASA website. Depending on where you are on earth, you may be able to see a red glowing moon during the total lunar eclipse next week, on Saturday March 3. I predict that it will be beautiful.

[Boing Boing]

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Downtown LA: Groundwork Open, Coffee Now Plentiful

It looks like I will have no trouble finding coffee downtown if and when I have to serve jury duty next week. BlogDowntown points out 3 more coffee cafes, all within and easy walk or 1 stop ride on the Metro.

Maybe I'll visit them all and do some kind of review. I need something to do during those long jury duty lunches. (SMILE)
Groundwork Open, Coffee Now Plentiful

Continuing to catch up on news that's several days old, the new Groundwork Coffee in the Higgins Building (2nd/Main) opened at the beginning of the week.

(Continues on original site)

(Via blogdowntown: Life in Downtown Los Angeles.)
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Monday, February 12, 2007

Event: Pt. Vicente on top of the world

Cybele over at blogging.la points out an event that is new to me and I want to share it with you. Not only that, now I have to arrange to get down there sometime. (SMILE)

Pt. Vicente on top of the world

Cybele: Every second Saturday the Pt. Vicente Lighthouse is open to the public. Not only is it free of charge, it's like stepping back in time.

It's just three flights of stairs and a little ladder climb up to the top.

The light room itself is pretty hot ... seriously. The rotating 1000 watt lamp plus the widows is like a heater in a greehouse.

(Continues at original site)

(Via Blogging.LA.)
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Google Maps Adds Metro Stations & Video

I have been paying more attention to blogs which discuss public transportation in Los Angeles, and the item below popped up today. While it is good news to see this Metro info appearing in Google Maps, another link at the bottom was even more interesting. It links to a video on the Metro system both present and future, produced by the blog, TMIV and the Dude.

Here is a sample of one of the videos. Check out their web site for more.

Google Maps Adds Metro Stations

I found out via Lifehacker that Google Maps quietly updated their New York City maps to include prominent buildings and subway stations, and apparently they’ve done the same for Los Angeles! Now all we need is Google Transit support and we’re all good.

Don’t forget: TMIV’s Google Earth KML files for Metro Rail

(Via MetroRiderLA.)

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Event: Geek Dinner February @ El Chollo

Nolan and Brent BushnellHeathervescent just sent out the notice for the next Geek Dinner. These get-togethers are a great way to meet other tech-minded folks here in LA and grew out of BarCampLA.

You can find photos from previous Geek Dinner and BarCampLA in my Flickr Stream.

Come and join us sometime! -- Douglas

Greekings g33ks!

Yeah, yeah, you're over the holidays and almost ready to dive into the insanity that is March. For now though, let's have a nice relaxing evening of talk and margaritas at El Cholo. Feel free to bring your laptops and other gear to show off (or just stay connected). It won't be the first someone someone was "working" from the g33k dinner.

Date: Feb 20th, 8pm dinner, come early for drinks
Location: El Cholo, 1121 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90006,(323) 734-2773
Reservation under "Heather"

Pass on the invite to your g33k inclined friends/colleagues. Come early for a margarita. RSVP here: http://barcamp.org/BarCampLA-Geek10

Also, note, March 24/25 is the next LA Barcamp. We will be discussing what needs to be done for it, so come if you would like to help coordinate.

Note: March g33k dinner will be back in Santa Monica/West side. So send those restaurant suggestions.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On Podcasting: A Presentation to the IABC in Los Angeles, California

Photo of Douglas E. Welch by eecueThis edition of On Podcasting is a recording of my presentation to the IABC LA (International Association of Business Communicators, Los Angeles), including a very in-depth question and answer session.

Listen to the Presentation

Previous "On Podcasting" articles:
On Podcasting: Freedom
On Podcasting: Money, money, money
On Podcasting: Belkin TuneStudio
On Podcasting: 2 years ago in podcast history...
On Podcasting: It's just a hobby, right?
On Podcasting: Podcasting and Education Panel from the Expo Audio
On Podcasting: My Podcast Process
On Podcasting: GoDaddy.com - Web hosts that don't host
On Podcasting: The Why, How and What of Podcasting - from BarCampLA 2006 Audio/Video
On Podcasting: Talking to the "old" media
Douglas interviewed on The Red Fence Project Video
Douglas on YourLA Video
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hermon, (City of Los Angeles), California

No matter how long you live in Los Angeles, your chances of seeing all of it are almost nil. I've only been here 20 years, so it should not be surprising that I haven't seen large sections of the city, let alone Los Angeles County.

As I was going about my computer consulting work on Friday, I had to find a route from the El Sereno area back to the 134 Freeway so I could get back to the San Fernando Valley for my final call of the day. Poking around in Google Maps, I found a route up Monterey Road, over Avenue 60 and up Figeroa St. Little did I know that I was going to come across a piece of early Los Angeles History.

Hermon California Satellite Picture from Google Right before I made my turn onto Avenue 60, I came into a pleasant little "Main Street" area with a lovely divided boulevard with a sign that said "Hermon." "What a cute little place, here in the midst of the city," I thought. I wonder how it came to be.

Well, a quick search turned up quite a bit of information, starting with this page on Wikipedia. Here is a short quote...

"[Hermon] is a small town in California, in the United States. It is situated in a half square-mile valley bordered by the Arroyo Seco and the historic 110 freeway to the west, Monterey Hills to the south, and South Pasadena to the north and east. The community has been part of the city of Los Angeles since 1912, but the neighborhood has retained its own unique identity. It is primarily a residential community, with a small business district in the center, one elementary school, and newly-dedicated dog park."

Additional links from the Hermon page include a short video from the Los Angeles Times, the Hermon.org web site and info on the aforementioned dog park.

I am always amazed at what I stumble across in my travels.

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LA Info: Off to the E-Waste Drop-off We Go!

Randall Street S.A.F.E Collection Center
11025 Randall St. Sun Valley, CA 91352
Map and Info in PDF Format

Other S.A.F.E Centers

I finally got my act together this morning, gathered up all my eWaste, packed them into my Element and headed off to the industrial heartland of the San Fernando Valley -- Sun Valley. It is here that the City of Los Angeles has a permanent drop-off site for eWaste and Hazardous Waste.

The picture above shows the entrance to the location. They were unwilling to let me take photos within the drop-off itself.

The Collection Center was well-organized and not very busy at 1030 AM on a Saturday. Their hours of operation are Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Rain cancels the drop-off.

My load contained 3 old PCs, my venerable Apple LaserWriter Pro 600 that finally died after 15+ years of service, a bag of batteries, a fax machine and a computer monitor I no longer needed. I hate to throw anything away, but these PCs wouldn't even run one of the small Linux distributions anymore, so there wasn't much I could do. I have recycled one old PC myself as a office server and it works very well.

The flyer from the web site declares a 6-piece limit for the drop-off, but the staff didn't seem concerned with my, probably, 8-9 item total, when you included the small individual pieces. The staff was friendly and efficient. You don't even have to unload. Due to the hazardous waste that might be dropped off, you are requested to remain in your car during the process.

If you have old electronics lying around, remember, California State Law now declares that they must be disposed of properly and not simply thrown in the trash. Visit on of the permanent drop-off centers, or check the eWaste calendar for a scheduled drop-off in your area.

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Event: Free Admission at the Norton Simon Museum

Free Admission at the Norton Simon Museum

Date: February 5, 2007 - February 11, 2007
Time: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Location: Norton Simon Museum

Address: 411 W. Colorado Blvd , Pasadena , 91105 [Map]

Cross Streets: Colorado Blvd / Orange Grove

Region: San Gabriel Valley Area

Phone: (626) 844-6840

Admission: Free

Accessibility: Wheel Chair Access, Hearing Devices Available,

Website: www.nortonsimon.org

Description: In honor of the 100th anniversary of art collector, entrepreneur and museum founder Norton Simon’s birth, the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena is extending free admission to all patrons from Monday, February 5th through Sunday, February 11th. While the Museum will be celebrating the centennial throughout 2007 with an exhibition, special public programs, a brochure, and more, the free week of admission commemorates Simon’s actual birth date (February 5, 2007).

Info courtesy Of ExperienceLA.com

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Andrea Louise Performs at Synergy Cafe - Sun, Feb, 18

This note comes from our musician friend, Andrea Louise.Her shows are always a fun night and the Synergy Cafe is a great venue. -- Douglas

Andrea Louise PhotoWelcome to the Lounge ‘o’ Love. Don’t you just feel it in the air? That it’s time to celebrate something sweet and fragrant and juicy and new and romantic and maybe just a little bit naughty?

We sure do…

Sunday, February 18th - 7:00 p.m.

and the next day is a Federal Holiday (President’s Day) so you can sleep in the next morning! (now *there’s* something to celebrate…)

Andrea Louise & Friends (at 7:45 p.m.), (www.andrealouise.com -- MySpace) with guests Paul Liddell (at 7:00 p.m.) (all the way from jolly olde England) and Jared Young (at 8:40 p.m.) (all the way from jolly olde Arkansas, but he lives *here* now…)

Synergy Café & Lounge
(Wonderful, cozy atmosphere AWESOME food)

Take a look at the lounge and the menu!

4455 Overland Avenue (s/o of Culver Blvd. n/o Jefferson Blvd.), Culver City (310) 559-8868

Andrea Louise & Friends combine the sensual, (and, okay, maybe just a eensy bit of the silly) with a delicious variety of skillfully played instruments and gorgeously intermingled voices to gently rock the house like an electric cradle of bluesy love.

On stage will be the Brilliant and Beautiful, Joseph, of the stunningly gorgeous musical project Windows to Sky and Oh. My. My!, Our very own guitar GOD, Larry Treadwell and the gorgeous and glorious
Berit Jordahl and a few more wondermous surprises

And you being there to share with us? Only the sweetest reason to celebrate of all… Oh yes, indeedy Yum Yum Yum. Surrender yourself. We’ll take such good care of you . . .

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Podcast: Metro Destinations for your iPod

Did you know that the Los Angeles MTA had a podcast.?

Neither did I until tonight when I was poking around on their web site.

Available in both audio and video formats.

I have one small correction for their podcast page. They say "Video Podcast - m4v format, Apple iPod Video model required". That's not quite true. You can view these podcasts directly on any computer with Apple's free iTunes software.

Link: Metro Destinations for your iPod

metro.net | Riding Metro - Metro Destinations for your iPod

Metro's video catalog showcases fun places to visit throughout Los Angeles County via public transportation, avoiding the hassle of traffic, parking and high gas prices.

The videos spotlight numerous venues such as Universal City, Hollywood, Pasadena, the J. Paul Getty Museum, Long Beach, Santa Monica, downtown Los Angeles, Latino LA, Koreatown, the newly refurbished Griffith Observatory, Farmers Market, Fashion District, Aquarium of the Pacific, Staples Center, Asian LA and more.

(Via MTA.net.)
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Event: Black History Bus Tour of Los Angeles

This tour visits sites that follow the progress of the African American community from the founding of the City to present day.

WHEN: February 3, 8:00 a.m.

SITE: Consolidated Realty Board of Southern California, 3725 Don Felipe Dr.

COST: Free

SPONSOR: Our Authors Study Club, Inc.

INFO: 310-854-6967

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

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