Photos: LA Friday Coffee at Magnolia Park Ladies and Gents Night Out

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LA Friday Coffee had a great night of food , conversation and strolling during the June edition of Magnolia Park’s Ladies and Gents Night Out in Burbank. This monthly event involves tons of stores and restaurants, live music and over 25 food trucks all laid out along Magnolia Boulevard from Hollywood Way to California Street.

The LA Friday Coffee group met up at Romancing the Bean, a nice coffee house along the route. We drank coffee and brought back the food we had wandered off to find at the various food trucks. Wings seemed to be very popular among the group, along with shave ice and, off all things, Tater Tots!

Here are a collection of photos I took during the evening to give you a feeling for the event and possibly entice you to check it out for yourself. The July date is Friday, July 25, 2014. You can find out all about this event, and others sponsored by Magnolia Park on their Facebook page.

Slide Show

Magnolia Park Ladies and Gents Night Out June 2014 - 01

Magnolia Park Ladies and Gents Night Out June 2014 - 13 Magnolia Park Ladies and Gents Night Out June 2014 - 07

View a complete slide show on Flickr

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