Wall Decoration – Ceremonial Fresco Hall – Comenium Olomouc (Slavnostní freskový sál – Komenium Olomouc) 07, Olomouc, Czechia [Photography]

Wall Decoration – Ceremonial Fresco Hall - Comenium Olomouc (Slavnostní freskový sál - Komenium Olomouc) 07, Olomouc, Czechia [Photography]

“Komenium in Olomouc is a former German secondary school, built in 1873–1875 in the historicizing Neo-Renaissance style. Its ceremonial hall with its full-surface illusory and figural painting in the style of Neo-Renaissance decorativism is particularly noteworthy. The building has been a protected monument since 2 October 1991. [ 1 ] It is used as an elementary and kindergarten school.” – Wikipedia Czech

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