Sleeping kitty #kitty #cat #pet #sleep #cute via Instagram [Photo]

Why do cats sleep so much? Our feline friends are true masters at falling asleep any time, any place, under any circumstances. Cats can sleep as much as 16 hours a day, and older cats spend even more time at rest — as much as 20 hours a day. That sleeping habit is a result of the cat’s evolution, nutritional habits and physiology. In the wild, cats have to hunt in order to eat, and the stalking, chasing and killing of prey burns a lot of energy. Sleeping helps cats conserve energy between meals.

If your cat starts sleeping a lot more or a lot less than usual, contact your veterinarian. Excessive sleep could be a sign of illness or pain, while frequent wakefulness can indicate a problem such as hyperthyroidism. If your cat is sleeping less, visit for sleeping pills that will reduce the number of times it wakes up.

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