…Chocolate Chip Cookies and Cake Batter Rice Krispy Treats!
Since I make so many cookies and other treats at this time of year, I have developed a few ways of making it easier on myself. One way is to make one item that is baked and another that is made on the stovetop. I can often combine the two tasks and work on one while the other one is cooking.
Tonight’s treats starts with this traditional Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie. Like many of the recipes I use, this one comes right off the back of the bag the chips come in. I have other recipes for chocolate chip cookies that I use for specific purposes, like big and little chocolate chip tarts, but for the party I always like to make the traditional ones.
Recipe: Original NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Chocolate Chip Cookies
Next on the agenda was a new take on an old favorite. I must be honest and admit that I don’t like Rice Krispy Treats that much myself, but I do know folks that love them. So, I found a recipe that adds a couple of things to raise them to a new level — Cake Batter Rice Krispy Treats.
I saw this recipe over at the Gimme Some Oven blog and thought I would give them a try. The trick is, as the marshmallows are melting, you mix about a 1/3 cup of out-of-the-box” cake mix. I only had white cake mix on hand, so I substituted that for the yellow cake mix called for in the recipe. You also add some decorative (and tasty) sprinkles in the mix and then add some more on top. My quick “quality assurance” taste tests showed them to be better than the usual variety, but I won’t truly know until I have a complete square once they are cooled. (LAUGH)
Recipe: Cake Batter Rice Krispy Treats
More cookies and candies are coming! I still have about 13 more varieties to make before December 10th.