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Monday, April 30, 2007

A Gardener's Notebook Promo

A Gardener's Notebook LogoHave you heard about one of my other podcasts, A Gardener's Notebook? Would you like to share it with others?

Here is a promo that you can share with your friends or place in your own podcast.

Play -- A Gardener's Notebook Promo

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

What I'm Reading...

A man both pious and scandalous -- brother of famous author Harriet Beecher Stowe and son of one of the most prominant Calvinist preachers of the era, Beecher rose and then fell into the depths of a vicious sex scandal.

I am finding it a great source for this particular era of American history, one that I didn't know much about. I especially like that much of it takes place in Ohio, my home state.

The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More
Can you really make money off the nichification of the marketplace? This book has become the darling of the Internet marketing set. I'll finally get a chance to see what all the hubbub is about.

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Events: Ranger guided hike - Vasquez Rocks Natural Area - Every Sunday

Ranger guided hike

Contributed by: Vasquez Rocks Natural Area

What: A park ranger will lead a nature hike through the park the second, third, fourth (and sometimes fifth) Sunday of each month. The hikes last approximately one hour. Meet at the park office. For information, call (661) 268-0840.

Where: Vasquez Rocks Natural Area, 10700 W. Escondido Canyon Road, Agua Dulce

When: 11 a.m.

(Via Valley News.com)

You can get WelchEvent updates directly to your email Inbox with a FREE subscription to the WelchEvents Mailing list. I also regularly post events here on the My Word blog.

If you are already a subscriber to WelchEvents, and find it useful, please consider a donation to help defray the costs of researching and posting the events. Visit the WelchEvents page to donate.

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Roses on my walk - PaD 4/29/07

Rose Picture from Flickr.com
Roses on my walk
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
As I mentioned in my last Gardener's Notebook podcast, ther roses in the neighborhood are putting on quite a show this year. Here are a couple of cameraphone shots as I took my walk around the neighborhood today.

Roses on my walk - PaD 4/29/07 Roses on my walk

* Previous mentions of roses in A Gardener's Notebook

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Western Family Fun Day - May 12 - Eagle Rock

Western Family Fun Day

Date: May 12, 2007
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM; Doors open at 12:30, Carnival Games 1:00 - 2:00, Live Musical Performance 2:00 to 3:00 pm

Location: SW Hill Country Western Store and Museum
Address: 1412 Colorado Blvd , Eagle Rock , 90041

Cross Streets: Colorado / Mt. Helena

Region: Downtown LA

Phone: (323) 256-2500

Admission: Free For Kids; $2 for Adults

Kid Friendly: Carnival Games and Live Western Music for Kids

Food Services: Drinks and snacks for sale to benefit local equestrian group

Accessibility: Wheel Chair Access

Website: www.swhillcountry.com

Description: Western Family Fun Day. Includes Carnival Games from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Musical Performance: The Hollow Trees from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Adults are $2 and children are free.

(Via ExperienceLA.com)

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WelchEvents! - Local Los Angeles Events and Activities

A long time ago, when I told my friends about some neat event I attended, they always replied "Why didn't you tell us about that?" So, I created WelchEvents -- a mailing list that highlights free and inexpensive events from around Los Angeles. I check the event calendars of museums, organizations, parks and cities to find events that interest me. I might not get to every event, but everything I post is something I migth like to attend.

If you or your oganization has free/inexpenseive/family-friendly events you would like to share, email them to me at myword@welchwrite.com.

You can get WelchEvent updates directly to your email Inbox with a FREE subscription to the WelchEvents Mailing list. I also regularly post events here on the My Word blog.

If youa re already a subscriber to WelchEvents, and find it useful, please consider a donation to help defray the costs of researching and posting the events. Visit the WelchEvents page to donate.

Donate Now!

There is a lot happening in Los Angeles and WelchEvents can help you to find interesting and entertaining activities for your and your family.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Live from the Library - All things blogging...and more!

(I am cross-posting this episode of TechnologyIQ here as a sample of what's going on over there. This episode of Live from the Library talks about blogging and more. -- Douglas)

TechnologyIQ LogoAll Things Blogging and More

Listen to Live from the Library - April 26, 2007

Podtrac Player
Pop It At popcurrent.com

Support TechnologyIQ:

iTunes Review | Digg.com | Podcast Alley | Reader/Listener Line @ 206-338-5832

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Event: Flower Confidential author in Los Angeles

Amy Stewart, author of Flower Confidential, will be in Los Angeles for 2 events next week.

Sat April 28
LA Times Festival of Books--Vroman's Book Bus
(Registration required)
Also signing at Dutton's booth at 2 p.m.
Los Angeles, CA

Sat April 28 5 p.m.
Discussion & booksigning
Village Books
1049 Swarthmore
Pacific Palisades

Link: Read my review of Flower Confidential

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Faces from Geek Dinner-LA

Faces from Geek Dinner-LA
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
"Where does this part go?", asks Jason. (SMILE)

After a very busy day, I made it down to West Hollywood for this month's BarCampLA Geek Dinner. This is a great chance to hang out with all my technologically-savvy friends and talk tech, web, hardware, coding and more.

For future Geek Dinners, check out the BarCampLA wiki.

Faces from Geek Dinner-LA Pizza at the Geek Dinner

Event: The Santa Fe Art Colony Open Studio - May 5 & 6

The Santa Fe Art Colony Open Studio

Over fifty acclaimed painters, photographers, and sculptors will open their private studios to the public. Art available for purchase.

WHEN: May 5 & 6, 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

SITE: Santa Fe Art Colony, 2401 S. Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles

COST: Free

SPONSOR: Santa Fe Art Colony

INFO: 323-587-5513, www.santafeartcolony.com
Please, no rental inquires

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

Monday, April 23, 2007

My recent comments on other blogs...

On Podcasting (and Blogging): Blogging and Podcast Tech Meetup

I was doing some thinking during my son's ball game tonight and my mind turned back to 2 recent experiences. Both times, I was sitting around with friends who are not really tech geeks like myself. That said, the conversation eventually turned to blogging and podcasting, which they each do in a small way.

These conversations ended up spinning out into mini-conferences on all the great new tools there are available, the conventions of blogging and podcasting (how most people do things) and how to figure out the tech side in order to get some great projects moving forward.

Tonight, via Twitter (you can find me at dewelch), I floated the idea of a Los Angeles-based meetup to talk blogging and podcasting tech. I get together with other groups to chat about content and such, but we NEVER have enough time to share ideas about how, technically, to accomplish some of our ideas.

While I certainly don't know everything, I think I know enough to help facilitate such a group. Nothing pleases me more than getting someone blogging or podcasting, even in a small way. While the site may be rough around the edges or the podcast a bit unrefined, I love the fact that I helped people to get their message out there. I have met enough people, with enough varied knowledge, that I think we need to get together and share that knowledge. There is a pent-up demand for this information. People are just dying to talk about it.

So, if you have any interest in getting together over drinks, food or whatever, for a short tech demo, followed by massive and useful Q&A on all things blogging and podcasting, drop me a line at myword@welchwrite.com. The main goal is to get the information you need to take the next step with your blog or podcast.

While this meeting will be hosted in LA, there is nothing really stopping us from sending out a ustream.tv stream or a Talkshoe conference call to anyone else who wants to join in. Why not use some of these new tools to spread the word? (SMILE)

Let me know what you think!

Here are some possible points for discussion:

  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • TypePad
  • MySpace
  • RSS feeds
  • FeedBurner
  • Web Hosting
  • Libsyn
  • Flickr
  • Recording and Editing Audio and Video
  • Advertising
  • Categories
  • Technorati
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • CDBaby
  • Directories
  • iTunes and its Quirks
  • ...and much, much, more!

Read more: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

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Its coming! 24 Hours of Flickr -- A global Flickr community event

Cool! I'm in. I even have an event I am going to cover that day, so it should all mesh nicely! -- Douglas

Its coming! 24 Hours of Flickr --- A global Flickr community event

What happens around the world in one day? In a word -- life. Here on Flickr, photographers are sharing what they see: snapping daily moments, recording history, telling stories, capturing beauty.

To celebrate this global community, we invite you to join us in "24 Hours of Flickr" --- a day-long global photo project. On May 5, 2007, grab your camera and whatever else you need, and chronicle your day in pictures. The group's photos will be featured at Flickr events around the world this summer and in a companion book, which will contain a selection of photographs chosen from the group (more about this soon!).

Join the "24 Hours of Flickr" group to get ready for the big day!

(Via FlickrBlog.)

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Small quake(3.1) in San Fernando

Felt a short shock here in Van Nuys from this 3.1 quake just north of us in San Fernando. First quake I have felt in a long time.

Southern California Quake Map

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

On Podcasting: Watch what ads you are selling/placing in your podcasts

iPod Old - 100_2471.JPGMark Cuban is addressing traditional networks in his blog post, but his words apply just as strongly to podcasters, especially as more and more of us start to use advertising as a way to monetize our podcasts. The ads you place in your podcast define your podcast, your message and your ethics as much as the content of your show. If you consistently place ads that might look like a rip-off to your viewers, your entire show will suffer. Listener see your show as a whole. They want as much integrity from your advertisers as they get from you and your opinions. Don't let them down or you will surely lose them.

Link: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

Ripoff Commercials = Stupid TV Stations and Networks (Mark Cuban/Blog Maverick)

Ripoff Commercials = Stupid TV Stations and Networks  —  Its hard to turn on the TV today and not see commercials for some of the biggest ripoff schemes in existence.  From Get Rich Quick schemes around the internet, around trading stocks, around real estate and anything else scam artists can think of …

Source:   Blog Maverick

Author:   Mark Cuban

Link:   http://www.blogmaverick.com/2007/04/22/ripoff…

Techmeme permalink

(Via Techmeme.)

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Live and Direct - PaD 4/22/07

Live and Direct - PaD 4/22/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
Demonstrating the amazing state of the Internet right now here is a screenshot from my Mac showing 2 live video stream and the Talkshoe chat. What you can't see is the simultaneous audio talkshow I was listening to.

Link: Typical Mac User

Douglas E. Welch Calendar

This calender is now available at any time by clicking the link above - Douglas' Events, Appearances and Seminar Calendar. You can also subscribe to the calendar as RSS, using iCal, Google Calender and other programs.

Brewery Artwalk 2007

Brewery Artwalk 2003 photoOn Saturday, I attended the Brewery Artwalk near downtown LA. I make a point of going whenever I can, as being exposed to all the different types of art can really gives your thinking a boost.

I spent an extremely enjoyable 2 hours (I had to be back in the Valley for a Little League Game) wandering from loft-to-loft. As I have said in the past, viewing the lofts themselves is just as interesting as the art work. A word of warning - it might just get you thinking about trying to find a loft of your own. I love the open spaces of a loft. They seem to be filled with so much possibility.

Below is a list of most of the artists I saw during my time at the Artwalk. Some have web links and some do not, which I still find a bit odd in today's connected world. You would think that having samples of your work and your information easily available would be one of the first items on your agenda.

Brewery Artwalk artists:

The Whole 9
JJM Handcrafted - Joanna J. Stein
Doglight Studios - Ronald Dunlap
Bruce Gray
Scott Miller
Iva Hladis
Olga Eysymentt - Botanical Illustration
Victoria J. Sebanz
Found Fables - Darrah Danielle
Hip Cooks - Monika Reti - Cooking Classes
Gallery 618E
Hix Art Studio
Kevin Flint
Abram Santa Cruz
Suzanne Pratt
Ryan Patterson Photography
Lizvett Corral
axelhoney - Melissa A Contreras
MLA Gallery - Mark Schneider - Art Dealer
RETIMADE Jewelry - Andi Reti
James Hill Sculpture
Billy Hix - Paintings
Linda Lundell
andlab - sunook park
Amy Lynn
Collaborative Press
Topanga Canyon Gallery
Shawn Holland
Winifred Johnson Brewer
Alex in Welderland
Gloria Longval
Claudia Endler
Art Your World - Ted Meyer
Adam Kurtzman
John Zarcone
Dave Lefner
Joyce Dallal
Puss in Bootz - Jillian Suzanne
O Studioworks
Christine Moria
Telemachus Studios
Antrese Wood

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Event Re-Cap: Free Tree Giveaway

Originally uploaded by dewelch.
As I mentioned in this announcement a few days ago, the Million Trees and Trees for a Green LA program was giving away free trees today in Sherman Oaks. I swung by to check it out on the way to the Brewery Art walk and snapped these 2 pictures.

The trees looked healthy and were more mature than I expected them to to be. I saw Magnolia, Crape Myrtle and Holly Oak (Quercus ilex). There weren't any long lines (thank goodness) and some folks had to ask twice if they were really giving trees away.

I didn't pick up a tree, as I really don't need any more trees on my property and would probably have to take something out to add anything new. Oh well. (Pout)

The location, Sherman Oaks Car Wash, was probably not the best, as the tree traffic got tied up with the car wash traffic and there wasn't really a clear in and out traffic flow or clear signage on where to park..

Overall, a great program. They just need to hold the event in a different location next time.


Orange burst - PaD 4/21/07

Orange burst - PaD 4/21/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
While walking around the Brewery Artwalk today (full post and video coming soon) I found these lovely vines and figured I would share.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Live from the garden - PaD 4/20/07

Playing around with uStream.tv today, broadcasting a shot of my birdfeeders in the garden.

This is a shot of my camcorder screen as it looks out the office window.

If you want to check out the video, head over to A Gardener's Notebook where you will find a video player embedded in the page, awaiting your click.

The video won't be up 24/7, just occasionally, usually during special events.

Elsewhere Online: HOW TO - Make a homopolar motor

Way to cool! I have seen other, simpler versions of this, but the imaginative designs of the armatures are far beyond the others. I've GOT to make one of these now. Sounds like a project for Joe and I.

HOW TO - Make a homopolar motor

Here's how to make a homopolar motor extremely simple and TONS of fun - Link.

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

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Event: Model airplane workshop - April 20 and on-going

Model plan flying pictureModel airplane workshop

Contributed by: Encino Community Center on 2/26/2007

What: For ages 9 to 12 years; cost of this workshop is $10.

This workshop is a hands-on introduction to aviation principles using various types of model aircrafts. An understanding of the four opposing forces of thrust, drag, lift and weight will be discussed and applied, as well as, how these forces and gravity affect the stability of aircrafts. The last session will meet at the Apollo XI Model Airport. Instructed by a FAA certified flight instructor.

Where: 4935 Balboa Blvd. Encino
When: 4-5 p.m.

Event Dates: This event takes place every Friday from 4/13/2007 through 5/18/2007.

(Via ValleyNews)

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Event: Free trees in Sherman Oaks this Saturday - April 21

The gang over at LAist clued us in to this event. If you have a need for a tree in your landscaping, be sure to stop by.

Million Trees program comes to Sherman Oaks

Contributed by: GM Communications on 4/13/2007

What: The Fashion Square Car Wash, in association with the Million Trees program, will give away free trees to the public from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, at the car wash.

The program, created by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, distributes trees to all areas of the city. People who pick up a five-gallon tree are asked to plant the tree on their home or business property.

No car wash sale is required to participate in the program. The car wash plans to give away 200 trees during the Saturday program.

Where: Fashion Square Car Wash, 4625 Woodman Ave., Sherman Oaks

When: 8 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Event Dates: This event takes place on 4/21/2007.

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One of my favorite magazines...

I received the May edition of Dwell Magazine today and it reminded me that I need to re-up my subscription. Dwell might seem an odd choice for a tech geek like me, but I am also interested in architecture and design, so it speaks to me on a number of levels. Unlike some magazines, Dwell also has a number of articles on their web site.

This month's lead story is, "Smaller is Smarter: Home under 000 Square Foot". While I wouldn't necessarily want to go back to something that small, smaller house we be a great boon to Los Angeles, instead of the McMansions that are built right up to the boundaries of their lots and tower over neighboring homes.

Order your own subscription today!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hand - Photo-a-Day 4/17/07

Hand - PaD 4/17/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
Oh, oh...I'm sensing a trend here.

Another B&W closeup. Introspective this week, I guess.

Event: LA Valley College Planetarium Shows

LA Valley College Planetarium Show Dates for Winter/Spring 2007

20 April -- "The Spring Sky" -- As milder weather returns the familiar constellations of Spring reappear. Join us as we show you how to find these constellations in the evening sky, and take a humorous look at the myths behind them.

18 May -- "Ringworld" -- As the robotic spacecraft Cassini continues to orbit Saturn, scientists are amazed by new views of this gem of our solar system. Join us for an overview of the Cassini-Huygens mission and an update on the latest information returned to us by this ongoing project.

(See more)


Open to the public! Multimedia presentations on a variety of astronomical topics. Please arrive early, as shows start promptly at 8 pm, and there is no late seating. Tickets are sold at the door on the night of the show, starting at 7:30 pm (there are no advance ticket sales). Afterwards, join us in the Observatory for viewing through the Celestron 16" telescope (weather permitting). Each show is an hour long. No previous knowledge is required!

Admission: $5.00 for adults; $4.00 for Senior Citizens, Astronomy Group members & LAVC students with paid ASO activity cards; $3 for children ages 8-16. (Sorry, we cannot admit children under the age of 8).

Event: Geek Dinner April 24, 2007 @ Shakey's

Originally uploaded by dewelch.
Date: April 24th, 8pm dinner, come early for pitchers of beer
Location: Shakey's Pizza in Hollywood
7001 Santa Monica Blvd, W Hollywood, CA 90038, (323) 463-1104
Look up at the sign.
Reservation under "Heather"

Details & RSVP:

Photo: Last time we were at Shakey's - July 2006

See the wiki for future dates and more information.

I see you! - PaD 4/16/07

I see you! - PaD 4/16/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
Playing around with closeups AND black and white.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Become your own video broadcaster!

Have you ever wanted to become a broadcaster, sending your show out to tens or hundreds of people?

uStream.tv might just be the answer to your dreams. Using only your webcam, web browser and Flash plugin, you can be broadcasting to your friends, family or the world.

Here is a test run I gave the service with some of my fellow Friends in Tech members. It was done using only the built-in web cam on my laptop.

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Folks from LAist blog VERY UNHAPPY with Autry BBQ Event

First of all, a word of warning...the post linked below contains some adult language.

With that out of the way, it seems the folks over at LAist, one of our foremost blogs here in Los Angeles, was very unhappy (to say the least) with the Autry BBQ event I highlighted earlier this month. I didn't get a chance to attend myself and, from the sound of it, that probably wasn't a bad thing.

I have been to Autry events in the past and they have usually been well-run, but it seems that some policy got in the way this time around. My guess that the "approved vendors" mentioned in the post wanted to make sure their sales wouldn't be impacted by the attendees. If so, this is rather a silly idea.

I would love to hear from others who attended to see if this post catches the general feeling or if they were just having a bad day. Comments on the LAist post seem to indicate that there was several disappointed people, though.

I highlight events here in My Word that I might like to attend, even though I would never be able to get to all of them. Sorry to hear that this one appeared to be a wash-out.

Bar-B-Screwed: Autry Hosts World's Worst BBQ Festival

Either the folks at the Autry are the world's stupidest event planners, or they are the world's most deceptive ones. BBQ'n at the Autry is the first and only barbecue festival I've ever been to, where attendees weren't allowed to sample barbecue from the vendors in the competition.


(Via LAist.)

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TED Talks give you deep learning...for free!

TED Conference Web Site Screen ShotTED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and it is one of the most exclusive conferences in the world. That said, you can now see hundreds of the talks from TED from the comfort of your own computer.

There are talks on Technology, Science, Culture and more from some of the best known names in the world, including Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, David Pogue and Frank Gehry.

The TED.com web site brings the world's foremost authorities right into your home or office. Check it out, but don't blame me if you lose yourself there. Of course, your time will be very well spent.

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue (Bob Tedeschi/New York Times)

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue — THOSE who don't have $6,000 or enough prominent connections to get into a TED conference can take heart. The price of admission just went to zero, provided you can settle for a more remote experience. — The TED organization …

Source: New York Times

Author: Bob Tedeschi

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/16/technology/16ecom…

Techmeme permalink

(Via Techmeme.)

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Screenwriting/Television Writing Book Recommendations

Today must be the day to update all online book lists.

I realized the my wife, Rosanne's book recommendations for screenwriting and television writing had never been put on her part of the site. So, you can now check it out using the link below.

Link: Screenwriting/Television Writing Recommended Books

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Jo Ann Braheny's Creativity Book List

(Cross-posted from Career Opportunities. I thought this great list would be of general interest, as well -- Douglas)

Back on February 28, 2007, I interviewed my good friend, Jo Ann Braheny, creativity and career consultant. (Listen) Several listeners have asked for a list of books that Jo Ann recommends for creative enrichment. Here it is!

This is a long list, but having read more than half of this list, I can assure you it is a great place to start in your creative adventures.

Books Jo Ann Braheny recommends in her Goosing Your Muse creativity seminars:

Aha! Ten Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit & Find Great Ideas
Jordan Ayan, Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1997

Art & Fear Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Art Making
David Bayles & Ted Orland
1993 Capra Press, Santa Barbara CA

Art Can Heal Your Life
Sean McNiff , art therapist
(2 audio cassette set)

Art Is a Way of Knowing A Guide to Self Knowledge & Spiritual Fulfillment Through Creativity
Pat. B. Allen, Shambhala Books

The Artist's Way (A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self)
Julia Cameron
1992, Tarcher/Perigee

Marlane Miller
Simon & Schuster, 1997

The Corporate Mystic A Guidebook for Visionaries with Their Feet on the Ground
Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., Kate Ludeman, Ph.D.
Bantam Books, 1996

The Courage to Be Brilliant
Marta Monahan
2002, Vittorio Press, LA

The Courage to Write How Writers Transcend Fear
Ralph Keyes, Henry Holt Books, 1995

The Craft and Business of Songwriting (3nd Edition)
(A Practical Guide to Creating and Marketing Artistically and Commercially Successful Songs)
John Braheny
2007 Writer's Digest Books

The Craft of Lyric Writing
Sheila Davis, Writer's Digest Books

Robert Fritz
1991, Fawcett Columbine Books

Creating a Life Worth Living
Carol Lloyd
A practical course in career design for artists, innovators, and others aspiring to a creative life.
Harper Collins Books - 1997

Creating from the Spirit Living Each Day As A Creative Act
Dan Wakefield, Ballantine Books

Creating Internet Entertainment
Jeannine Novak & Pete Markiewicz
Wiley Computer Publishing, 1997

Creating with the Angels
Terry Lynn Taylor
1993, H.J. Kramer Inc.

The Creative Journal (The Art of Finding Yourself)
Lucia Capacchione
1979, Swallow Press Books, Athens, Ohio

Creative Process in Gestalt Therapy
Joseph Zinker
1978, Vintage Books

Creativity: How to Catch Lightning in a Bottle
George Gamez - 1996
Peak Publications, PO Box 451067
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery & Invention
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Harper Collins, 1996

Creativity in Business
Michael Ray & Rochelle Myers, 1996

Creators on Creating (several authors)
Awakening & Cultivating the Imaginative Mind, Tarcher Putnam Books

Do What You Are - Paul D. Tieger & Barbara Barron-Tieger
Discover the Perfect Career for You
Through the Secrets of Personality Type
Little, Brown & Co. - 1995

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Betty Edwards - J.P. Tarcher Books

Drawing on the Artist Within
Betty Edwards - Simon & Schuster

Embracing Your Inner Critic
Embracing Our Selves (The Voice Dialogue Manual)
Hal Stone, Ph.D. &
Sidra Winkleman, Ph.D.
1989, New World Library

Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Bantam Books, 1995

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Susan Jeffers, Ph.D.
1987, Fawcett Columbine / Ballantine

Finding What You Didn't Lose: Expressing Your Truth and Creativity through Poem-Making
John Fox, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1995

Five Star Mind - Tom Wujec
Games & Puzzles to Stimulate Your
Creativity & Imagination
1995, Doubleday Books

Flow - The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
(pronounce: Mee-high Sent-mee-high)
Harper & Row

Frogs into Princes (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Bandler & Grider - Real People Press

Get Out of Your Own Way Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior
Mark Goulston, MD., Philip Goldberg, Perigree, 1996

The Grace of Great Things Creativity and Innovation
Robert Grudin
1990, Ticknor & Fields

Growing Up Creative
Teresa Amabile
Crown Publishing

The Heart Aroused Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America
David Whyte
Currency/Doubleday Books

Higher Creativity Liberating the Unconscious for Breakthrough Insights
Harman & Rheingold, Tarcher Books

How to Think Like Leonardo de Vinci Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
Michael J. Gelb
Delacorte Press - 1998

Idea Catcher - various authors
An Inspiring Journal for Writers
1995, Story Press, Cincinnati, Ohio

Idea Power Techniques & Resources to Unleash the Creativity in Your Organization
Arthur B. VanGundy
American Mgmt. Assn.

If You Want to Write - A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit
Brenda Ueland
1987, Graywolf Press

Joy's Way
W. Brugh Joy, M.D.
Jeremy P. Tarcher Press

Jump Start Your Brain - Doug Hall
A Proven Method for Increasing Creativity up to 500%
Warner Books - 1995

Just Open A Vein (Writers on Writing)
Edited by William Brohaugh
Writer's Digest Books

Keep Your Brain Alive 83 Neurobic Exercises
Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D.
& Manning Rubin
Workman Pub. 1999

Networking in the Music Business
Dan Kimpel (He has newer books too)
1993, Writer's Digest Books

No Contest: The Case Against Competition
Alfie Kohn, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986, 1992

No More Secondhand Art:
Awakening the Artist Within
Peter London, Shambhala Books, 1989

Orbiting the Giant Hairball
Gordon MacKenzie
A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace (Worked at Hallmark Cards for 30 years, where he inspired his colleagues to slip the bonds of Corporate Normalcy … shares lessons on awakening and fostering creative genius.) Viking Books - 1998

The Path of Least Resistance (Principles for Creating What You Want to Create)
Robert Fritz. 1984
Stillpoint Publishing Co., Salem, MA

Please Understand Me - Character and Temperament Types
David Keirsey & Marilyn Bates
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company

The Power of Play
New Visions of Creativity
Carol Lawson, A Chrysalis Reader

The Possible Human (A course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental and Creative Abilities)
Dr. Jean Houston
1982, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam Books

The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell (with Bill Moyers)
1987, Doubleday

The Power of Your Other Hand
Lucia Capacchione
Simon & Schuster

Practical Intuition - Laura Day
How to Harness the Power of Your Instinct and Make It Work for You
Villard New York - 1996

The Psychic Pathway A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul
Sonia Choquette
1995, Crown Trade, Random House

The Right-Brain Experience An Intimate Program to Free the Powers of Your Imagination
Marilee Zdenek, Two Roads Publishing, 1983, 1996

The Self-Esteem Companion
Simple exercises to help you challenge your inner critic and celebrate your personal strengths
Matthew McKay, PhD, Patrick Fanning, Carole Honeychurch & Catharine Sutker
New Harbinger Publications - 1999

Serious Creativity
Edward DeBono
Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to Create New Ideas
Harper Business Books

Singing at the Top of Our Lungs Women, Love and Creativity
Claudia Bepko & Jo-Ann Krestan
Harper Perennial Books

Solved By Sunset: The Right Brain Way to Resolve Whatever's Bothering You in One Day or Less
Carol Orsborn, Harmony Books, 1995

Songwriters Playground (Innovative Exercises in Creative Songwriting)
Barbara L. Jordan
(call 1-800 CMM SONG) to order

Source Imagery
(Releasing the Power of Your Creativity)
Sandra G. Shuman, Ph.D.
1989, Doubleday

Spinning Inward - Maureen Murdock
Using Guided Imagery with Children for Learning, Creativity & Relaxation
Shambhala Publications - 1987

The Thinker's Way 8 Steps to a Richer Life, Think Critically, Live Creatively, Choose Freely
John Chaffee, PhD
Little, Brown & Co. - 1998

Tune Your Brain - Elizabeth Miles
Using Music to Manage Your Mind, Body and Mood
Berkley Books - 1987

Type Talk at Work Understanding the Workplace and Thriving in It
Otto Kroeger with Janet M. Thuesen
1992, Delacorte Press

A Walk Between Heaven & Earth A Personal Journal on Writing & The Creative Process - Burghild Nina Holzer, Bell Tower Books, 1994

A Whack on the Side of the Head
Roger Von Oech
Published by Creative Think

When You Can You Will
Lynne Bernfield
1993, Lowell House

Who Are You? 101 Ways of Seeing Yourself
Malcolm Godwin
2000, Penguin Books

Who Do You Think You Are? Explore Your Many-Sided Self with The Berkeley Personality Profile
Keith Harary, Ph.D. &
Eileen Donahue, Ph.D.
Harper/San Francisco

Wild Mind (Living the Writer's Life)
Natalie Goldberg
Bantam New Age Books

The Woman's Book of Creativity
C. Diane Ealy, Ph.D.
1995, Beyond Words Publishing Inc.

Write From The Heart Unleashing the Power of Your Creativity, Hal Zina Bennett, 1995,
Nataraj Publishing, PO Box 2430,
Mill Valley, CA 94942

Writing Down the Bones
Natalie Goldberg
1986, Shambhala Publications

The Writing Life
Anne Dillard
1999 Harper & Row

Writing from the Heart Inspiration & Exercises for Women Who Want to Write
Lesléa Newman, The Crossing Press, 1993

Writing from Within
Bernard Selling
1990, Hunter House Books

Zen in the Art of Writing
Ray Bradbury - 1994
Joshua Odell Editions, PO Box 2158,
Santa Barbara, CA 93120

Roses in the Garden - Photo-A-Day 4/15/07

Out in the garden today and the roses are popping all over the place.

I hadn't seen many aphids earlier, but they are hitting these roses in the back garden a bit. Time to take the hose out and blast them off. The lady bugs will arrive soon enough to polish off the rest. They seem to do this every year.

Click any of the photos to see them, in their full-size glory, on Flickr.

Roses in the Garden - April 15, 2007 Roses in the Garden - April 15, 2007 Roses in the Garden - April 15, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

Seth Godin is collecting stories on "Not settling"

On his blog, The Dip, author Seth Godin is collecting some interesting career stories from folks who decided to leave behind what they thought was a great job for something more important. This is the first he has posted and well worth reading and thinking about.

Not settling

TZ wrote to me today. Here's his story about quitting and then becoming the best in the world:

I rose up the ranks in [name of bank] Bank Financial Group to become a Program Manager in Operations...specifically Change Management.

According to how my parents used to define success: I was a superstar. A 29 year old with a senior level position at a huge company with a safe salary, crazy benefits and a religious adherence to a 9-5 order.


(Via The Dip by Seth Godin.)

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What I'm Reading...

Some times I have to tell myself exactly this to get out of a rut and get on with things. I imagine most people face the same demons on occasion.

I am a big fan of Maxwell's books, so when I saw this one at the bookstore recently, I made sure to get a copy from the library to check it out. Not every book speaks to me deeply, but Maxwell's books are always worth a look.

You definitely don't want to read this book during your lunch hour, but if you can stifle your revulsion to the subject matter, there is am amazing amount of history and science to be learned here.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Fan - PaD 04/12/07

A Fan - PaD 04/12/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
A small, desktop fan that will help keep me cool this summer.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Event: Brewery Art Walk - Spring 2007 - April 21 & 22

Brewery Artwalk Logo

It's time once again for the twice-yearly Brewery Art Walk in Downtown Los Angeles.

Head down to the Brewery Art Lofts and check out the art and lofts of more than 50 artists. Food and Drink are available and Barbara's at the Brewery will be serving complete meals.

Plenty of parking is available in the UPS lot, just to the West of the Brewery Complex.

I always have a great time and recommend the Art Walk to everyone I know.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Farmwalk at Pierce College - April 22, 2007

Get the family, friends and neighbors together for Pierce College’s famous Farmwalk, coming Sunday, April 22, 2007 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walk back to a simpler time on the green pastures and country roads of the farm, open to the public only one day a year.

Animals, animals and more animals wait to greet you at Pierce College, plus activities, displays, games and music. Delicious barbeque food at reasonable prices brought to you by Northridge Kiwanis Club members. Flowers, face-painting, a petting-zoo, hayrides -- there’s nothing else like Farmwalk.

The popular live band SIMPLY MARIE AND HER CANYON COUNTRY COWBOYS returns for their fourth year at the all-day festivities.

Where else can you find:

Sheep Shearing * Wool Spinning * Cow Milking * Play KowChip Bingo! * Clydesdale horse * Petting Zoo * Create your own project: a visor, fan, etc. * Exotic Animal Displays * Live Bee Display * Horse Activities including roping * Bullwhip Exhibition * Live Music * Large Farm and Plant Equipment * Tons and tons of Animals

Check out our beautiful Equestrian Center
Firefighters with Fire Engines you can climb in
Fire Dept. & Forestry Division
California Women for Agriculture
Nature Canyon walks overlooking our city
Various Educational Displays
Agriculture & Animal Science Class information
Barbecued Hot Dogs and Hamburgers at old time prices

Everyone can enjoy Pierce College’s Farmwalk, from toddlers through active seniors. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hats & and cameras.

A $5 donation is requested per adult, which supports the farm. Children under 12 play free. Please note that only physical assistance dogs are permitted due to livestock.

Want to play KowChip Bingo? A $5 ticket represents a temporary deed for a small section of a field. Three cows will enter the field. Whoever owns the section of land where the cows do their “business” wins. Prizes are $1,000 for the first plop, $500 for the second and $250 for the third. To purchase KowChip Bingo tickets, go to www.kowchipbingo.com. You can also buy KowChip bingo cards from Pierce’s Vicki Michaelson at 818-710-4253. She can fill you in on more information about the Pierce Farmwalk.

Come to the Victory at Mason entrance of Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka Ave. in Woodland Hills. Parking is Free. Join the fun at FARMWALK!

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Found on my morning walk - PaD 4/9/07

Taking my morning walk, I happened up these at a neighbor' s house. I have taken pictures of them in previous years. They always seem so exuberant and catch the eye as you walk past.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blue Decay - PaD 4/7/07

Blue Decay - PaD 4/7/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
This micro-still-life caught my attention while at the ball diamond today for my son's Little League game.

Friday, April 06, 2007

My First (New) iPod - PaD 4/6/07

My First (New) iPod - PaD 4/6/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
Although I have been podcasting for over 2 1/2 years, I have depended on a hand-me-down 2G iPod donated by a friend. It has worked admirably, and continues to do so, but I have wanted a bit more storage and the ability to load video, since I am doing occasional video podcasts myself.

Hence, I picked up a new 30GB 5G iPod today. I am enjoying it immensely and, as you can see from the photo, already playing some of my home-grown video podcasts on it.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

California Poppies - PaD 4/5/07

California Poppies - PaD 4/5/07
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
I found these poppies on my morning walk around the neighborhood. Everything seems to be blooming right now -- poppies, cosmos, roses galore, orange trees and more.

Event: “Q”ing at the Autry - April 14

“Q”ing at the Autry

Who makes the best barbecue in Los Angeles? Join us for the premiere barbeque festival in Southern California. Come see a barbecue champion crowned and learn some tricks of the trade as you enjoy food, music, and family fun.

WHEN: April 14, call for times

SITE: Autry National Center, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles

COST: Free

SPONSOR: Autry National Center

INFO: 323-667-2000, www.autrynationalcenter.org

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Event: Pillow Theatre – David Prather - Apr 14

This series of Saturday morning performances is designed for families with children ages 3 through 6. Imaginative artists in music, theatre, and dance engage children in lively shows that encourage creative thinking. An interactive arts workshop will follow each performance. Enjoy this high-energy, interactive, poetry jam that introduces children to the antics and agility of words. From popular jump rope jingles, to the shenanigans of Shel Silverstein and the whimsy of A. A. Milne, parents and children will experience poetry like never before.

WHEN: April 14, 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

SITE: BP Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall, 111 S. Grand Ave., Downtown Los Angeles

COST: Free

SPONSOR: The Music Center Education Division

INFO: 323-850-2000, www.musiccenter.org/education

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Book: The Water Lily Cross: An English Garden Mystery by Anthony Eglin

The Water Lily Cross: An English Garden Mystery
Anthony Eglin

A Thomas Dunne Book for St. Martin's Minotaur

Although he would be more comfortable restoring gardens and traveling about in his sporty 1964 TR4, Lawrence Kingston, botanical expert, finds himself once more engaged in another mysterious adventure.

This 3rd book in the English Garden Mystery series has Kingston searching for an old friend who has disappeared, quite possibly kidnapped. It seems Kingston's friend has discovered a way to use water lilies to solve one of the world's most pressing problems. Crossword and anagram clues, helicopter flights and threatening messages lead Kingston on a whirlwind and dangerous chase across the English countryside.

Eglin's mysteries are always a great romp combining two of my favorite things -- mysteries and gardening. Lawrence Kingston is a character you wouldn't mind inviting into your home on a regular basis and each new book is an opportunity to do just that. I can imagine sitting across from him, sipping his single-malt Scotch, as he recounts his latest tale of mystery or the details of a garden rejuvenation somewhere in the English countryside. Both are equally interesting to me.

I will say, Eglin is so good at creating interesting supporting characters that I sometimes miss the young couple who discovered The Blue Rose and the American woman who owned The Lost Gardens from his earlier books. Perhaps he can return to them for a future adventure.

The Water Lily Cross and Eglin's previous books are the perfect choice for some relaxing reading between your gardening chores. Pull the chaise lounge under your favorite tree, or within the scent of your favorite roses, and delve into the mysteries of the garden.

Highly Recommended

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Douglas' Article in Podcast User Magazine

Podcast User Magazine pageMy profile of Goodnight Burbank producer, actor and writer Hayden Black, appears in this month's edition of Podcast User Magazine.

You can download the entire magazine as a PDF file from the link below.

"Born in Manchester, England, Hayden Black moved with his family to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the early 80s. Little did he know at the time, in days long before podcasting existed, that this would lead to a very popular video podcast that has boosted his entertainment career to new levels.

As he sat at Art’s Deli in Studio City, California, enjoying bagels and lox, Hayden beamed as he recounted his latest publicity success, a ‘Best of the Web’ mention in the print edition of TV Guide. Hayden’s light and proper English accent lends a sense of elegance to his speech, despite his California casual attire." (Continues)

Link: Podcast User Magazine #15

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Podcasting at SongsAlive LA

Podcasting at SongsAlive LA
Originally uploaded by dewelch.
I am presenting on Podcasting at SongsAlive LA. Here are some of the flyers on display here at Coffee Junction in Tarzana, California.

Douglas speaks at SongsAlive Los Angeles Workshop - April 1

Douglas E. Welch photo"Podcasting: Your Own Private/Public Radio Station"

SongsAlive Los Angeles Workshop

Sun. April 1 2007 1pm - 4pm at The Coffee Junction

Invented out of the already existing pieces of the Internet, MP3 audio files, web sites, weblogs and RSS feeds, Podcasting opens up a new way of communicating your music to the world. Easy, fast and cheap, you can be podcasting your words, music and commentary to your friends, your fans or the entire world in a few hours. Imagine your own radio station where you pick the playlist, you choose the message and you get to talk directly to those who are most interested in your work. Podcasting allows listeners to have what they want, when they want, where they want it, and you can use that freedom to your advantage.

Join Douglas E. Welch, computer consultant, author and podcaster (and a so-so guitar player), as he introduces you to the terms and tools of podcasting, gives an update on the current state of podcasting and shows you just how easy it can be to get started.

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