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Monday, July 01, 2002

Shameless Self-Promotion

What good is a blog if you can't engage in a little self-promotion every now and then? As the Summer heats up, I am trying to add a little fuel to my career fire, both in my writing and my computer coaching. I thought that one of you might be able to assist me in placing my writing in some new places (both online and offline) or spreading the word about my computer coaching services. Below are descriptions of the services I can provide.

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Computer Coaching

I use the tagline "I make computing clear!" and all the work I do revolves around that idea. I want computer users to have a great experience with their computer, whether this involves writing letters or a novel, sending email or building a web site, using Windows or a Macintosh.

I have been providing on-site computer training and troubleshooting for over 16 years in all sorts of envirnonemnts (Home office, small business, large corporations). I have worked with users who have never touched a computer before and others who are using them to run their entire business.

If you need computer assistance in the Los Angeles area, or know someone who does, please pass along my email or web site address.


Training $70/hour

Technical $90/hour

(i.e. network/hardware intall)

6 hour series $390


Career Opportunities

This month marks my 6th year of writing this weekly column for ComputorEdge in San Digeo and Colorado Springs, CO and ComputerScene in New Mexico.

I am interested in finding other publications that might be interested in re-printing these columns or developing new columns specifically for their publication. You can find a complete archive of all my Career Opportunities columns at this site by clicking on the link above.

A Gardener's Notebook

A few years ago I wrote nearly 40 of these columns for an online service in Florida. They are some of the most popular articles on my site and still generate email years after they were originally written. AGN was the story of me and my garden. As I learned more about my garden, I would pass on my experiences to my readers. I wrote about revitalizing an older garden, the issues with having opossum in your garden (yes, even here in Van Nuys) and how to ready your garden when you leave on vacation. I believe that AGN would fit in either a general purpose publication or a gardening magazine.

Technology IQ

This series of nearly 40 columns was also created for the same online service as AGN. TechnologyIQ addresses technology issues that might be faced by the average technology user, including how to deal with computer frustration, learning by playing around, upgrading computers and the importance of backing up your data. This column would be a good addition to any general purpose publication that wanted to touch on technoloy issues without confusing its readers.

Et al

I am always looking for opportunities to develop more columns and writing assignments. If you know of anyone who could use content for their web site or articles for their newspaper or magazine, please pass on my information and direct them to the articles on my web site. The links above take you directly to the archive for each column.

Additional information:

Writing Credits


MyWord, A Daily Web Log


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