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Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Computers - Apple

Apple Xserve Update

If you are one of the lucky people to have received a new Apple Xserve server, here is the first update for the system.

From the site...

Xserve Update 1.0 provides updates and enhancements to the serial port, ATA hard disk drivers, server assistant, and server monitoring functions of Xserve. Xserve Update 1.0 includes a new version of the Server Monitor and Server Assistant applications. These updated applications are installed by the update in the /Applications/Utilities folder. It is recommended that client computers running these administrative tools update to the new versions by copying the application from an updated Xserve. After installing the Xserve Update 1.0, you can update your Mac OS X Server administration clients by copying the new applications to them.

Via Versiontracker


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