Historical Seed Catalogs: Illustrated catalogue : Spring of 1894 by Pittsburgh Nurseries (1894) – 36 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Illustrated catalogue : Spring of 1894 by Pittsburgh Nurseries (1894) - 36 in a seriesHistorical Seed Catalogs: Illustrated catalogue : Spring of 1894 by Pittsburgh Nurseries (1894) - 36 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Illustrated catalogue : Spring of 1894 by Pittsburgh Nurseries (1894) - 36 in a seriesHistorical Seed Catalogs: Illustrated catalogue : Spring of 1894 by Pittsburgh Nurseries (1894) - 36 in a series

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Important Notice

Since the issue of our last Spring Catalogue we have sustained a severe loss in the death of our Mr.. Alexander Murdoch, who departed this life on the ninth day of February, 1893. Mr. Murdoch has practically had entire control of the business for the last quarter of a century, and under his able management it has increased from a few scattered greenhouses and 15 or 20 acres of cultivated land to the largest established nursery business in Western Pennsylvania. Since Mr. Murdoch’s death the business management of the firm has fallen upon Mr. John R. Murdoch, assisted by his sons and nephew, and their every aim is to uphold the firm’s reputation for honest dealing, thereby assuring their patrons the same satisfaction which was always guaranteed in their dealings with the late Mr. A. Murdoch. Every effort is being put forth to keep their cut flower and seed trade what it always has been, the very best. But owing to the exorbitant increase in the tax assessments of their nursery property, it has become too valuable to be used for this purpose, and the present management feel justified in closing out this department. With this object in view they earnestly request that all intending purchasing, call and inspect their nurseries in the Twenty-second Ward, During this spring and next fall it is their intention to dispose of their immense stock of fruit and shade trees, vines, plants, shrubs and ornamentals of all kinds as rapidly as possible, and every one wishing to buy should not miss this opportunity to beautify their homes at prices which are sure to prove inducive.

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