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In today’s video, we settle our Monrovia plants into their new home behind the mini-greenhouse and against the wall.

It took us a few days, but we finally got our new grape and blackberry plants installed in the back garden. This particular strip of soil used to be hidden behind an old garden shed and only rally used for storage or wood, trellises and pots. This meant it the soil was not compacted at all, so it was easy to turn over. I didn’t even break out my little electric cultivator, but just added some garden soil from the home store, a bit of organic fertilizer and turned it all in.

Splurge on Spring with Monrovia -- Planting Today! - 4 in a series #GrowBeautifully #MonroviaPlants [Video]


Music: “Life of Riley” by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons License

While the space for planting is relatively small, the large wall behind the area should provide an excellent trellis for both the grape and the blackberry. I need to purchase some masonry anchors, screw eyelets and cable to add what I think will be 3 levels of support across the wall. Then I can train the grapes to the left side and the blackberries to the rights so that each has plenty of space and sun to grow. The blackberries will also be able to ramble over the roof of a small garden shed on that side. I have a volunteer fig tree growing in the corner of the lot and I might prune it out so that these plants get get a bit more sun each day.

 Planting 1

Our new grape (foreground) and blackberry (background) in place

Planting 2

Our new grape (foreground) and blackberry (background) in place

Monrovia labels with lots of information

 Monrovia grape 1

Monrovia grape 2

Nonriviua blackberry 1

Monrovia blackberry 2

Monrovia blackberry 2 1

For more information:

Previously in Splurge on Spring from