10 Chelsea Gold Medals Awarded this year — more than any other previous year. The gardens did look quite striking this year, so I can’t say it is a big surprise. Here is today’s list of the plants and flowers mentioned during the coverage. With all the focus on the show gardens today, there are significantly fewer mentions for this post than the previous.
- Maianthemum flexuosum
- Lupinus Russell hybrids – Plant of the Centenary Entry (3 of 10) 1933-1942
- Rhododendron yakushimanum – Plant of the Centenary Entry (4 of 10) 1943-1952
- Sarracenia flava var. maxima – Carnivorous plant
- Sarracenia ‘Juthatip Soper’
- Nepenthes hybrid ‘Rebecca Soper’
- Sarracenia pupurea subsp. purpurea x catesbayi
- Tulipa ‘Orange Sun’
- Rosa ‘Veilchenblau’
- Narcissus ‘Golden Joy’
- Narcissus ‘Gay Kybo’
- Enkianthus campanulatus
- Amaryllis Hippeastrum ‘Apple Blossom’
- Amaryllis Hippeastrum ‘Tango’
- Amaryllis Hippeastrum ‘Nymph’
- Enkianthus perulatus
- Quercus robur ‘Koster’ (Fastiigate Oak)
- Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis (Honey Locust)
- Anemone ‘White Swan’
- Lavandula augustifolia ‘Beechwood Blue’
- Lavandula pinnata
- Lavandula aristibracteata
- Lavandula x chaytoriae ‘ Richard Gray’
- Grevillea aplina ‘Olympic Flame’
- Olea europaea (European Olive)
- Aeonium x haworthii ‘Tricolor’
- Euphorbia horrida (African Milk Barrel)