I shot a series of pictures of this very cooperative hummingbird in my sister’s garden over the July 4th holiday. It gave me a chance to play around with the more manual settings on my new camera.
These birds are just one example of the amazing wildlife you can attract to your garden by both feeding AND MORE IMPORTANTLY planting the plants that they need most. These shots were taken at a feeder, but these same birds feed at a variety of plants in this garden, too. I consider wildlife and integral part of the garden and one of the main reasons I garden in the first place. A perfect garden, devoid of wildlife, would not seem like much of a garden to me.
Share notes and pictures of your garden wildlife here in the comments or on the AGN Facebook Page. I would love to see what is happening in your garden!
View the entire Hummingbird Series on Flickr
that’s one cute little sweetheart! happy gardening!
He/she was very accommodating, almost landing on my should and hat a few times. I don’t have a large telephoto lens, but the hummer was within 1 foot or less most of the time.
nice shots