Video: Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch

A clip from this longer presentation — New Media Q&A 2015 for UCLA Extension Voiceover Class. Watch the entire presentation here!

Podcasting and Voiceover from New Media Q&A 2015 with Douglas E. Welch




Do you know of any voice actors who have had successful podcasts? Well, I have one good example here, but I want to switch the question around a little bit. It is relatively easy for anyone who is already famous to have a successful podcast. As you might imagine, they already have an audience. They already have a group of people who are clamoring to hear more from them. So, a relatively famous person who has a podcast — they’re doing it for a different reason that I am giving to you. I want to reiterate with you that you need to start podcasting up front when you’re unknown, because that’s the way you can become more known. It’s the reverse of what they’re doing. They know they have an audience that they’re feeding, because they’re already somewhat famous. You are developing your audience from the ground up. So, it’s important that you get the word out there and – to harken back to the very beginning of this video — you need to tell people what you do and how well you do it and this is one way of doing it.

Links mentioned in this video: 

Voiceover: Techniques and Tactics for Success by Janet Wilcox  

 iTunes Podcast Directory

 Free Blogging Sites 

Royalty Free Music

Kevin MacLeod –

Amazon Affiliate Program 

Far Lands of Bust 

KurtJMac Patreon Page

 Rob Paulson and Talking Toons 

More information on Douglas E. Welch and Careers in New Media:

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