- A collection of New Media items I found interesting this week.
- Ghosts of the Internet 2010 is Coming! – September 7, 2010 – This is one of the LIVE readings that we do each year including our reading of A Christmas Carol during Christmas week. Check it out!
- ALERT: Massive New Survey Worm Spreading On Facebook – September 6, 2010 – …and one and one it goes. Here is yet another way of using your own account to spam all your friends on Facebook. Facebook will probably plug this hole quickly, but it doesn’t help everyone who was spammed or had their account used.
- Cyberduck FTP Updates with Google Storage Support and More, Announces Windows Version [Updates] – September 6, 2010 – I use Cyberduck for most of my basic FTP needs and also recommend it to my friends and clients. Knowing how to use FTP is one of the basic skills that even the most novice blogger needs to learn and know and Cyberduck makes it as painless as possible.
- Pocket video – September 5, 2010
- JayCut Is a Great Web-Based Video Editor [Video Editing] – September 3, 2010