Category Archives: Show

Networking means conversations, not collecting business cards — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

I have often said that I have some of my best ideas when I am talking with others. This seemed to be in effect this week when I was involved in the online Twitter chat #careerchat. As part of the … Continue reading

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It doesn’t take permission to do good work – Podcast

Watching your child move through their school years can always be quite illuminating. It brings back memories of your own childhood while also allowing you to learn a bit more from these experiences than you ever did as a child. … Continue reading

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Helping others help you from the Career Opportunities Podcast

All of us need a little help in our careers. We need guidance. We need advice. We need support. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to help others help us. We often go about asking for help in odd … Continue reading

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What I tell every new careerbuilder – Podcast

Many of the readers and listeners of Career Opportunities have been working for a long time. They have had several jobs and maybe even a few careers. It seems to take a few years before most people start to consider … Continue reading

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Take responsibility for your own education – Podcast

I have been advising you to take control of your career for over 12 years here on Career Opportunities. I continue to believe that it is of the utmost importance that you manage your career instead of letting it manage … Continue reading

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Hitting the Bulls-eye – Podcast

Over the last several months my son and I have been increasingly active in archery at our local range with our local SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) group. We enjoy being outdoors and the camaraderie of archery, as well as … Continue reading

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Your career is about YOU! – Podcast

You may have noticed over the years that I don’t write about typical career-related topics here on Career Opportunities. Where other columns might focus on resumes or interview skills, I prefer to talk about how your career relates to you, … Continue reading

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Those who take advantage – Podcast

As you have probably heard before in my writing, I promote sharing as a great way to promote yourself and your work. I believe that the more you share, the better off you will be. Often, though, people counter that … Continue reading

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Video: Production, Promotion and being Proactive in your Career

A live recording of my presentation, “Production, Promotion and being Proactive in your Career”, at Tuesdays with Transitioners on February 15, 2011. Watch to this Podcast – (60 mins) Friday March 18, 2011 One-To-One Career Consulting Now available exclusively to … Continue reading

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Production, Promotion and being Proactive in your Career

A live recording of my presentation, “Production, Promotion and being Proactive in your Career”, at Tuesdays with Transitioners on February 15, 2011. (1 hour, 23 minutes) Listen to this Podcast Friday March 18, 2011 One-To-One Career Consulting Now available exclusively … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Podcast, Show, Speaking | 4 Comments