Category Archives: Show

Networking isn’t about business cards – Podcast

After a busy month of networking mixers, Social Media Week panel discussions and hosting my 5th CareerCamp unconference I was reminded of an important lesson. We all talk about networking as an important part of building our career, but I … Continue reading

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Look deeper to find hidden jobs – Podcast

It is conventional wisdom that bigger is always better, but when it comes to your job search, returning to the same old well might not serve your best interests. If you are looking where everyone else is looking, you shouldn’t … Continue reading

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Real World Example: A talk with George Starcher, fellow Friends in Tech member

This week I sat down with fellow Friends in Tech member, George Starcher, so he could relate his recent experience of having his current company close, forcing him to find a new job very quickly. George talks about how his … Continue reading

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The importance of the teachable moment – Podcast

During our recent 3 week trip visiting family in Sicily, I had the opportunity to spend several days with our 25-year-old cousin Orazio who is just finishing up a 5 year program in Engineering. We talked about many things related … Continue reading

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Opting out of social media is no longer an option – Podcast

Many years ago, I could almost forgive people for not being as heavily into email as I was. Email was somewhat new. It was a bit technical to use. Sure, people who opted out using email made my life a … Continue reading

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Make the extrinsic intrinsic in your job search

ex·trin·sic/ikˈstrinzik/Adjective 1. Not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from outside. in·trin·sic/inˈtrinzik/Adjective 1. Belonging naturally; essential. While engaging in the weekly #careerchat a few weeks ago, I was once again reminded of how much … Continue reading

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Work your rolodex like a pro – Podcast

Back in the day, your Rolodex™ was your breadbox, your money maker and in some cases your lifeline. Today, whether you store your contacts on paper, in Gmail or some fancy CRM system, these descriptions are still valid. A lot … Continue reading

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Most of us undervalue our knowledge – Podcast

This weekend was the 4th of our free CareerCamp unconferences here in the Los Angeles area. You can learn more about what happened there on the website at My first session of the day was a breakout discussion on … Continue reading

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Too much can’t – Podcast

I must confess that I didn’t watch the launch of the final Space Shuttle mission today. I couldn’t bring myself to be in a celebratory mood since I see today’s launch as yet another step in a long list of … Continue reading

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Time for a review – Podcast

Ah, the sweet smells and sounds of Summer are here. Hopefully, the pressures of life and work have eased up a bit, at least for the next few weeks. With my wife teaching at colleges full time and a son … Continue reading

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