Category Archives: Show

Video Archives: Production, Promotion and Proactivity in Your Career

Douglas E. Welch (, wirter and producer of Career Opportunities Column and Podcast, presents to Tuesdays with Transitioners, a career group in Northridge, California (http://tuesdayswith transitioners, Can’t see the video above? Watch “Production, Promotion and Proactivity in Your Career” on … Continue reading

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Video: Career Tip – Stop adversarial Hiring Practices

In this Career Tip – Douglas asks employers and job candidates to “partner” and  work towards making hiring a win-win for everyone involved. Can’t see the video above, watch “Career Tip – Stop adversarial hiring practices” on my YouTube channel. … Continue reading

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Video Archives: Visibility and Your Career from LaidOffCampLA 2009

Showing people “what you do and how well you do it” is an important part of every career. You need to be visible so that people can seek you out for opportunities instead of always feeling you have to go … Continue reading

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Acting and your career – Podcast

Given my focus on computer consulting and writing, it always seems to amaze people when I tell them that my college degree is actually unrelated to either of these areas. I graduated from Bowling Green State University with a degree … Continue reading

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Killer Innovations: Fighting the Corporate Antibodies by Phil McKinney

I have been listening to the Killer Innovations podcast since the beginning. Phil McKinney, former VP of Technology for Hewlett-Packard, is an expert on innovation and his podcasts always illuminate the thorniest innovation problems. After listening to this episode — … Continue reading

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Look outside your industry for great new ideas – Podcast

“That’s not the way we do things here. That will never work in our industry. It wasn’t invented here so it can’t be any good. Things will never change around here.” How often do you hear phrases like this around … Continue reading

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Beware the red flags in your job search and career – Podcast

The color red means something very special to human beings. It means danger, warning… it means to get your attention. We use red cards in soccer to denote a flagrant foul, red lights at intersections, railroad crossing and for the … Continue reading

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What are you looking for? – Podcast

What type of job or career are you looking for? I often talk to people who have no idea. They seem sure that they want something else, but they have not done the hard thinking about what the “else” might … Continue reading

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We all do stupid things – Podcast

While it may seem a bit rude to say, we all do stupid things. It is a fact of human nature that there will be times when we do something that makes no sense at all. I do it. You … Continue reading

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Archive: You want to do what?!

Would you get an RFID chip implanted in your arm so you could access the company data center? Would you take a test that asks deeply personal questions with no perception of anonymity? Would you take a lie detector test? … Continue reading

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