Category Archives: Show

What You Need: Presenting Yourself Well — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

With this column I am starting an ongoing series entitled, “What You Need.” These columns will highlight what I consider the fundamental foundations of any career. These foundations often deal with the, so-called, “softer” side of jobs, work and careers, … Continue reading

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Archive: “Magic Words” from the Career Opportunities Podcast

  There is a long forgotten secret of the business world, but it also applies to volunteer work and life in general. While we might encounter it on occasion, for the most part, this secret has been abandoned like the … Continue reading

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Do your best work — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

In any given day at work, we are faced with a multitude of  — often conflicting — priorities. We are trying to keep everyone happy, from our boss to our customers, trying to be productive and sometimes most important, trying … Continue reading

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Archive: “What if it were you?” from the Career Opportunities Podcast

It has happened to all of us. You get the call, or the email, “The boys upstairs say we have to do XYZ.” Then, often without question, we do exactly that, no matter how wrong we might think the action. … Continue reading

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The more things change…the better! — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

I was walking around a local store yesterday when I was struck with a bit of an epiphany. There, on the end of a shopping aisle, were some lightbulbs for sale. These lights were the, now ubiquitous, compact fluorescent bulbs, … Continue reading

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Archive: “Damaged” from the Career Opportunities Podcast

 It is a sad fact that, especially in high-tech careers, some workers have been so damaged by their work experiences they have lost all hope of ever having a fulfilling career. They feel beaten down, used up and cast aside … Continue reading

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Stop worshipping the obsessive — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

As a people, Americans love to worship the obsessives among us. Witness the near deification of Steve Jobs and other amazing business people. We are quick to forgive them their sins of anti-social, bullying and “ends justify the means” behavior … Continue reading

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Archive: High-Tech Super Hero – Podcast

  There are days when I wish I had some super power that allowed me to sense when someone was about to make a nasty high-tech mistake. Then I could swoop in, act as translator and ombudsman and save countless … Continue reading

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Also on #KitchenParty: Healthy recipes throughout the holidays – 8pm EDT/5pm PDT

I write on a lot of different topics here on, some of which you might also be interested in. Infrequently, I like to share events that are happening on the other WelchWrite blogs. I hope you find them interesting … Continue reading

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The best time is always now! – Podcast

As you may have heard, I had emergency surgery on some gall bladder issues last week and I am currently on the mend. As with any major life event, this got me to thinking about what I want in the … Continue reading

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