Category Archives: Show

Showing your clients the way — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Part of any great career, regardless of industry, focus or technology, is the ability to remember what it was like to not know something. As we gain knowledge and skills in our work, we can come to think of others … Continue reading

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Archive: A Critical Eye On Advice – from the Career Opportunities Podcast

There is a wealth of career advice and information available today via books, television and the Internet. Most is given in the sincere hope of improving the lives of others. It is important to draw on this advice to improve … Continue reading

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Archive: Getting Paid — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Over my years as a freelance computer consultant, I’ve heard many stories of workers who have difficulty getting paid for their work. There can be disagreements about whether a project has been completed, claims of cash-flow problems or even, at … Continue reading

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Sharing your interests and personal projects can lead to paying work for others – from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Many people like to think that there is work and there is play and there is never any crossover between them. We do “work” to earn money to pay for our food, our clothing, our houses. We “play” to escape … Continue reading

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Archive: Just-in-Time Learning — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

How often do you know everything about a job or project before you walk through the door? How often do you know everything about a piece of hardware or software before you have to install it or, even more likely, … Continue reading

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What You Need: A decent place to live — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Our lives and our careers are deeply affected by our surroundings. We can try to ignore the noise, trash, overcrowding and other issues, but it really isn’t completely possible. They can effect us at a subconscious level and add burdens … Continue reading

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Archive: Making the professional personal — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

One of the best ways to build your business, and your career, is to focus not on the business itself, but on the one, unique item you have to sell…yourself. Making your profession personal means giving your clients a direct … Continue reading

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Archive: Knowing all you can — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

How much do you know about the company for which you work? How about your company’s market? Do you know the names or professional backgrounds of the members of the board of directors? Why should you care? The truth is, … Continue reading

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New, different, action is the way to recover from career setbacks — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

I have written in the past about the immense power that action brings to your career. The act of taking action brings power to any situation and no more so than when you suffer a career setback. Perhaps you didn’t … Continue reading

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Archive: What you want… — from the Career Opportunities Podcast

At some time in your career, there will come a time when what you want and what other’s want from you will diverge. It has happened several times in my life and each time it was a challenging moment. When … Continue reading

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