Category Archives: Show

Get out of your neighborhood

You can get your best ideas when talking with people outside your business or area of expertise. Get out of your neighborhood By Douglas E. Welch Listen: Get out of your neighborhood [audio:] I have spent the last four weekends … Continue reading

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Sometimes we deserve to be fired

Should major failures lead to dismissal? I think so. Sometimes we deserve to be fired By Douglas E. Welch Listen: Sometimes we deserve to be fired [audio:] I will ask you to forgive me in advance if this column rambles … Continue reading

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Archive: Entry Level or Dead End – October 7, 2005

Are companies keeping employees on the help desk forever instead of letting them grow? (This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas) Listen to this episode Read the entire … Continue reading

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Career transitions are the worst, but necessary

Career transitions are the worst, but necessary By Douglas E. Welch Listen: Career transitions are the worst, but necessary [audio:] As someone who is constantly in the middle of a career transition, I am frequently reminded how difficult it can … Continue reading

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Archive: The Chaos of Choice – September 30, 2005

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas) Listen to this episode Read the entire article [audio:] When you are starting a new project or pitching a new client, … Continue reading

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Viral Careering

Viral Careering By Douglas E. Welch Listen: Viral Careering [audio:] Get daily career tips on Twitter, Friendfeed in video, on Seesmic and in audio via Utterli. If you follow the Internet world at all, you have surely head the term … Continue reading

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Archive: Change Everything – September 23, 2005

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas) Listen to this episode Read the entire article [audio:] What did you do the last time you were looking for a … Continue reading

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Pacing yourself

  Pacing yourself By Douglas E. Welch Listen: Pacing yourself [audio:] It is bad enough when your employer decides to give you too many projects in too little time, but it is even worse when you overwhelm yourself with projects … Continue reading

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Career Tip 20081016 – Create it yourself

Career Tip 20081016 – Create it yourself Video | Audio | Download Video | See all past Career Tips Read more on this topic: Career Tip for 20081008 – Quality, not quantity Video | Audio | Download Video | See … Continue reading

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Archive: Straight lines and circles – September 16, 2005

(This podcast is pulled “from the archives” and presented here as a service to more recent listeners — Douglas) Listen to this episode Read the entire article [audio:] As a high-tech worker, I am sure you try to compartmentalize your … Continue reading

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