Category Archives: Show

Interview with Chuck Tomasi on Career Changes

Fellow Friends in Tech member, Chuck Tomasi, sat down to talk while he was on a business trip to San Diego, California. The reason for his trip was his recent layoff from his long time company and a quick hire … Continue reading

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It’s the small things that get you noticed

Over the course of my career I have had the blessed opportunity to receive some pretty high praise. Sure, I have made my mistakes and had my failures, but when I succeed my clients can be quite effusive in their … Continue reading

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Video: CareerCampLA: The Art of Networking Panel

Watch “The Art of Networking” – iPod Ready Video Jennifer “Jungle Jenny” Michaels (, Susan M. Baker from and Danielle Gruen of LivingCareers.Net present a panel on “The Art of Networking” at CareerCampLA 2010. Read more on this topic: … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Discussion, Elsewhere, Events, Podcast, Show, Special, Uncategorized, Video | 2 Comments

Someone has to do that job…or not

When pressed, we can come up with a hundred and one reasons why we stay in a lousy job. “The economy is bad. There aren’t any jobs available. I’m not cut out for anything else.” For me, though, the worst … Continue reading

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There are no certainties in employment, nor should you expect them

Listen to this Podcast News arrived recently that a friend had been laid off, downsized, right-sized, fired from the company where he had worked for 22 years. Another friend was laid off after 18 years with the same company. These … Continue reading

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Archive: Would you recommend a friend?

Listen to this Podcast If you want a good litmus test of how much you like your current job or your current company, ask yourself this question, “Would you recommend that a friend work at your company? If you are … Continue reading

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The Well-Lived Life

Listen Links: Career Opportunities Google Group and Mailing List Career Opportunities Facebook Fan Page (with discussions) Do you have what it takes to truly be the person you can, and want, to be? Everyday I am faced with people who … Continue reading

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The trouble of being self-sustaining in your career

Listen Links: Career Opportunities Google Group and Mailing List Career Opportunities Facebook Fan Page (with discussions) There is an old cliche quote that says, “Behind every great man is a woman” with a host of addendum on the end to … Continue reading

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Video: CareerCampLA: Your Career, Your Terms with

George and Mary-Lynn from present “Your Career, Your Terms” at CareerCampLA live via Skype video at CareerCampLA 2010. Watch “Your Career. Your Terms” with George and Mary-Lynn of – iPod Ready Video Read more on this topic: Video: … Continue reading

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Everything you do MUST have value to others

There comes a time, maybe many times, when you can’t understand what other people are thinking. You are putting out energy, attention, physical labor, — as Churchill once said, “blood, sweat, toil and tears” — and yet no one seems … Continue reading

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