Category Archives: Show

Little Boxes – and they all look just the same

“Little boxes on the hillside, Little boxes made of ticky-tacky, Little boxes, little boxes, Little boxes, all the same.” — Malvina Reynolds When you are writing your resume or interviewing for a job, do you fall into a common trap? … Continue reading

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Pursuing your work as art, but also making money

I just finished reading Seth Godin’s latest books, Linchpin, and there is much to recommend there. He clearly describes and analyzes the dramatic shifts in the work world where being “good enough” simply isn’t enough anymore, especially when such work … Continue reading

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What are you saying, and thinking, about your work and career?

Want to know what people all over the world think about their work and career? Visit and enter work, career, job, or any other phrase you want. Then hit enter and watch the world zeitgeist pour into your browser. … Continue reading

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Don’t let your ethics be a casualty of a bad economy

A lousy economy can be tough on everyone. We all are looking for ways to get by until things improve. Unfortunately, one of the first items to suffer is often our own, personal ethics, No one will see if we … Continue reading

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Now in our 6th year of Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!

Six years as a podcast. Thirteen years as a column. Hundreds of thousands of words and several hours of audio. Advice. Interviews. Video….and more! This is where Career Opportunities has been. September 24, 2010 marks 6 years to the day … Continue reading

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Archive: Believing impossible things

“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve … Continue reading

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Do you remember how unique you once were?

Take a moment to look around you while you read this column or listen to the podcast. Take in all your surroundings. Notice the clothes you wear, the furniture in your office, the books on your bookshelves. Look at the … Continue reading

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Audio: Tech Nation interview with Chip Heath on How to Change

I listened to this interview while driving around on consulting calls and I almost had to stop by the side of the road so I could make some notes. Even in this short interview, Chip Heath, gives some great, though-provoking, … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Books, Business, Discussion, interview, Podcast, Show | 2 Comments

Laboring for yourself

This long weekend brings the Labor Day holiday here in the US. This holiday marks the end of summer for most people and brings everyone back into the office, and back to school. Each year, I end up writing something … Continue reading

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Archive: Future-proofing Your Projects – March 10, 2006

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) recently launched their latest space probe, New Horizons, which will be the first such probe to visit and study the planet Pluto. While you probably don’t need to worry about ensuring your latest network server … Continue reading

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