Category Archives: Show

The Care And Feeding of Your Career – Podcast

Your career isn’t just something you set on autopilot and forget. Sure, you might be engaged in a great job at the moment and enjoying your work, but even then you need to be constantly monitoring and adjusting your career. … Continue reading

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Archive: Don’t be a groundhog

Don’t be a groundhog By Douglas E. Welch Listen to this Podcast CareerCampLA 2: Helping to Build the Carer You Deserve Friday, March 18, 2011 Los Angeles, California A hybrid conference/unconference dedicated to “helping you build the career you deserve”. … Continue reading

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Communication and Your Career

Communicating well with those around you may be one of the most important parts of any career. Whether you are communicating with your family, your co-workers, your managers or the world, whenever you fail to communicate effectively, the consequences are … Continue reading

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What day is it?

Ask anyone you know and I am sure you will hear the same thing, “What day is it? How did it get to be 2011 already? The year is moving so fast!” It seems a simple truth that the older … Continue reading

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Don’t make resolutions, make action items

I am writing on New Year’s Eve here in Los Angeles as celebrations of the New Year have already started in other, distant parts of the globe. We will be attending a party tonight to bring in 2011 ourselves, as … Continue reading

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Asking a lot of myself…and you, too – Podcast and Column

After a busy few months, things have slowed down a bit here for the holidays. This has given me more time to reflect on the year and think about what I want to accomplish in 2011. After a bit of … Continue reading

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Audio: 5th Annual Live Reading of A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Gift from Career Opportunities! Sunday marked our 5th Annual LIVE Reading of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. We had some new voices this year and had a great time as usual. You can listen to the entire show … Continue reading

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Accepting Thanks and Communicating More Clearly

The Thanksgiving holiday here in the US always leads to people giving a tremendous outpouring of thanks for everything from years of service or marriage to something as simple as holding the door at the grocery store. While it is … Continue reading

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Sometimes you just do the best that you can

Sometimes you just do the best that you can. Most of us want to do more with our life, our work, heck, even our day, but sometimes you just can’t get it done. I am having one of those times … Continue reading

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Guest column and podcast: No Better Time to Reinvent by Jennifer Oliver O’Connell

No Better Time to Reinvent by Jennifer Oliver O’Connell I have spent a good majority of my working life as a contract, temporary and freelance worker. I have juggled a writing career with a technology career, and have successfully thrived … Continue reading

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