Category Archives: Books

What I’m Reading…How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell

I have been reading John C. Maxwell’s books for years and have found many useful ideas and much useful advice. This small volume seems like a condensation of many of his larger books and while that might seem like a … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…The Compassionate Instinct

Over the years I have often wondered if maybe nice guys really do finish last. I am not the most competitive person in the world and sometimes think it has held me back. That makes “The Compassionate Instinct: The Science … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading… – February 11, 2010

Five books arrived from the LA Public Library today — my next collection of books to read. Here is what is in the stack on reading table next to my chair. Twyla Tharp: The Collaborative Habit I enjoyed Tharp’s earlier … Continue reading

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Make-A-Move Monday on the Career Opportunities Community Site

It’s time for Make-A-Move Monday again. What goals do you want to accomplish (or make progress on) this week? What tools or information can you share that would help out your fellow Career Opportunities readers and listeners? Add them to … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Tribes by Seth Godin

Seth Godin’s newest book, Tribes, touches a concept near and dear to me…organizing groups, or Tribes, and helping them get things done. This is not to say I have been terribly successful at this activity, but I love helping people … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell

Another in a series of leadership books I am reading. I have several areas, like leadership, where I pick up nearly book I find on the topic. I have read other books by John C. Maxwell over the years and … Continue reading

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What I ‘m Reading…: The Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam

The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam I tend to think and teach visually in most cases already, but when I saw this book I knew I needed to pick it up. … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading: Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman

This is another of my many books turned up by my Amazon Recommendations and then picked up at the local library. Primal Leadership delves into the basic human aspects and needs of leadership. This is less about knowing about external … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…Rules of Thumb by Alan M. Webber

What are you reading? Share your favorite books with Career Opportunities readers and listeners. Add your comment today! Yet another interesting find via my Amazon recommendations. This book is giving me a lot of food for thought. I have found … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading…ThinkerToys by Michael Michalko

This is another one of my recent library pickups. I took this on our recent trip to Ohio to have an excuse to do a little more thinking while we were gone. ThinkerToys is chock full of excellent ideas on … Continue reading

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