Elsewhere: Veteran Central: A Career-Oriented Social Network for Vets

I have been working with some of my CareerCamp co-chairs to develop a veteran-specific CareerCamp here in Los Angeles for many of the same reasons listed in this article. Veterans have some very specific career needs that could be well addressed by fellow veterans sharing their experience and advice in an unconference setting.

Vet central

Veteran Central: A Career-Oriented Social Network for Vets

After spending nine years on tour with the Navy, Michael Barrett found that adjusting to civilian life — especially finding a stable and well-paying job — was a tough and arduous process.

“It’s a difficult transition, because we don’t have a profession to speak of,” Barrett explains. “We’re handicapped in that regard, and we’re less marketable in the work world.”

While entrepreneur Jonathon Lunardi was researching veteran suicide with his brother-in-law, Paul McDonald, he became familiar with Barrett’s sentiments and saw a need to help veterans bridge the gap and become successful in the civilian world. Together, Lunardi and McDonald started Veteran Central, a job resource and development network exclusively for veterans. Lunardi, now the company’s CEO, told Mashable that the startup focuses on job placement and tools for young, blue-collar veterans.

Read the entire article

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