Historical Garden Books – 80 in a series – Little gardens for boys and girls (1910) by Myrta Margaret Higgins

Historical Garden Books - 80 in a series - Little gardens for boys and girls (1910) by Myrta Margaret Higgins

Historical Garden Books - 80 in a series - Little gardens for boys and girls (1910) by Myrta Margaret Higgins

Historical Garden Books - 80 in a series - Little gardens for boys and girls (1910) by Myrta Margaret Higgins

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THIS little book has been written out of my own experience in trying to help hundreds of boys and girls to find the true value of gardening. It is written for the larger number of boys and girls who have neither greenhouses nor old established gardens, and I have hoped to answer some of the questions which I have been obliged to answer orally many times.

My aim has been twofold, first, to make plain subjects that at first mention seem so simple they are seldom explained even in books for boys and girls, such as the best way to take a weed out of the ground, or how a garden path should be cleaned; secondly, to arouse an interest in plant life that will be lasting and helpful.

This book is written in the hope that it may become a companion to the young gardener and a guide to those who are trying to help him. It does ndt claim to furnish extensive information on gardening, but rather to give the right suggestion at the right time and the inspiration for a further search for garden knowledge and experiences. First arousing interest in the larger world-garden, and in the plant, which is the garden unit, it begins with the fall months, when a garden should be begun, and follows through the seasons. If allowed to become a part of the garden experience year after year, the meaning of its words will become clearer to the boy or girl, for of necessity, and in order to lead them into garden paths and the terms of a gardener, I have used some words which must be turned over in the mind many times.

If the right point of view shall have been attained by the young gardener, the purpose of my book will have been fulfilled.

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