Video: Places LA: Stough Canyon, Burbank, California

Video: Places LA: Stough Canyon, Burbank, California

I have been trying to get back into hiking lately and with the son attending school in Burbank, it only made sense to locate a few trails in that area where I could walk before and after school. I have known about several trails in the Verdugo Mountains which abut Burbank, but i have never spent much time there. For my first trip up into the mountains I choose Stough Canyon. Along with the hike there is also a Nature Center to check out with the kids and family should you wish.

The Stough Canyon Trail is a nice loop about 1 mile on fire road and another mile on a smaller trail. For this first trip, I headed up the fire road and down the trail and that is probably what I would recommend for others, as the fire road, while steep in the beginning, seems less steep than the trail. This is one of those hikes where the distance is just about right for my abilities and condition. I huffed and puffed a bit early on — as you can hear in the video — but I reached the crest right about when I started wondering where the top might be. Another short climb too me to the trail head for the downhill journey which was, of course, a much easier — if slipperier trip. On clear days you get some wonderful views of the San Fernando Valley, Bob Hope Airport and even a glimpse of Downtown Los Angeles in the distance.

Stough Canyon via Google Earth

  34.213844° -118.307826° – Click to view in Google Maps

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